deplist | dupfind | extract | find | hexfind | md5 | md5check | md5gento | ofind | pathfind | reflist | xfind | xfindbin | xhexfind | Команда: md5check sfk md5check[=]inputfile [-rel[ativeto] dirname] [-quiet] verify a list of md5 checksums. options -sane look at the modification date and time of the crc list file and of every target file. ignore files which are newer than the list. can be used to check hard disk files for unexpected changes. -sane -quiet does not list the newer files. -rel if dirname is supplied, treat filenames from list as being relative to dirname. in this case, run the command from dirname's parent directory. -quiet do not print progress output while checking files, and do not list kb/sec speed stats. -skip=n do not check all files, perform just spot checking by skipping n files after every checked file. return codes for batch files 0 normal execution, all checksums matched. 1 normal execution, checksum(s) mismatched. 2 some files were missing, all other checksums matched. 3 some files were missing, and some checksums mismatched. >=9 severe error occurred, e.g. wrong checksum file format. no archive file support. even with sfk xe, md5check does NOT support reading and verification of .zip, .tar.gz etc. archive contents. instead (with xe) create another md5 list by md5gento and then compare two list files by a text diff tool. see also sfk md5gento to create md5 lists. sfk md5 create md5 of a single file. sfk crccheck verify crc lists. web reference examples sfk md5check mydir.md5 check if files listed in mydir.md5 still have the same checksums. @rem windows batchfile example @echo off sfk md5check mysums.txt -quiet >nul 2>nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO mdfailed sfk echo "[green]all ok[def]" GOTO mddone :mdfailed sfk echo "[red]verification failed[def]" :mddone |
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