deplist | dupfind | extract | find | hexfind | md5 | md5check | md5gento | ofind | pathfind | reflist | xfind | xfindbin | xhexfind | Команда: md5 sfk md5 [opts] file1 [file2 file3 ...] calculate md5 hash of one or more files, and optionally compare the results. if md5 sums are compared, a message is shown, and the shell return code is set to 0 (all equal), or 1 (not equal), or >1 (any other error). options -nonames do not echo filename(s), show only the md5 sum. default if a single filename is given. -name print filename even with just a single name. -verify or -ver, or -v verifies the given filename(s) against the given checksum. -nocomp if multiple filenames are given, do not compare. see also sfk md5var create md5 from variable content. sfk md5gento to create md5 lists. sfk md5 create md5 of a single file. sfk crc create crc32 checksum of a file. web reference examples sfk md5 test01.dat tell md5 sum of test01.dat sfk md5 test01.dat test02.dat compare both files, if content is the same. sfk select mydir .exe +md5 create md5 of all .exe in mydir to terminal, with md5sum and filename separated by tab. use +md5gento instead to create a list file. sfk md5 -quiet -verify 14da96b20e45fd84c46c5b7aef641cb3 test01.dat check if test01.dat has an md5 matching the one specified. issues no output, returns just a shell return code. within a windows .bat file, check the RC this way: @echo off sfk md5 -quiet -verify 14da96b20e45fd84c46c5b7aef641cb3 test01.dat if errorlevel 1 goto mismatch echo "file checked, all ok" goto done :mismatch echo "file content mismatch" :done sfk -var md5 in.txt +setvar sum +tell "the md5 is: #(sum)" place checksum in a variable, then print a text |
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