fromnet | ftp | ftpserv | httpserv | ip | netlog | ping | pingdiff | tcpdump | udpdump | udpsend | web | wget | Команда: udpdump sfk udpdump [options] [group] port create human-readable hexdump of UDP socket input, for debugging of UDP network applications. options -showle highlights line ending characters CR and LF. you may also add "le" to the command name. -wide dumps 32 input bytes per line. -lean dumps 16 input bytes per line. -post reduced format e.g. for forum posts -min minimal format with alnum only text -echo echo received packets back to sender. -stop or stop=n stops after n received packages. with command chaining, default is -stop=1. -sep[arator] prints detailed separator between packages with message number, source IP and time. -broad listen for broadcast on given port. -pure lists flat hex characters: 53464B2D544553540D0A -hexsrc lists hex comma separated values: 0x53,0x46,0x4B,0x2D,0x54,0x45,0x53,0x54,0x0D,0x0A, -decsrc lists decimal comma separated values: 83,70,75,45,84,69,83,84,13,10, -maxdump=n dump only first n bytes of incoming data. -flat no hexdump, print characters as they come. -nohead does not show the "received n bytes" message. -text just print text, same as -flat -nohead. use -sep to show a header per message. -tofile x write output to file x. message filtering show only messages ... -from "s1,s2" from IPs containing text s1 or s2. note that packages from the same machine may use an IP -from "s1 s2" same as -from "s1,s2" -notfrom "s" not from IP containing text s, with ".10" matching .10 and .100 but ".10/" matching only .10 -size n with this size -minsize n larger or equal to n -maxsize n smaller or equal to n -data foo containing text "foo" -data 0xa0a1 containing binary data 0xa0a1 experimental multicast receive if a multicast group IP address is given, like sfk udpdump 5000 then udpdump tries to print incoming multicast messages. this may or may not work depending on the OS, network interface, router and firewall settings, user rights and other programs running in parallel. special protocol support sfk udpdump -bon - print bonjour messages sfk udpdump -knx - print knx messages (sfk help knx) see also sfk udpsend - send UDP packets. sfk hexdump - for further format options. examples sfk udpdump 5000 waits on port 5000 for incoming udp packages. sfk udpdump 5000 -from .10 show only packages from ip's containing .10 like or sfk udpdump 5000 -from ".100/,.101/,.102/" show only from ip's ending .100, .101 or .102 e.g. but not |