Команды SFK

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Раздел 6. Networking - Сеть
fromnet | ftp | ftpserv | httpserv | ip | netlog | ping | pingdiff | tcpdump | udpdump | udpsend | web | wget |

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Команда: udpsend
sfk udpsend host[:| ]port [options] [data] [data2] [...]

   send an UDP message and optionally receive replies.
   maximum message size is 2000 bytes. your network may
   limit this further, e.g. to 1500 or 1000 bytes.

      -listen        wait for a single reply, and dump it.
      -listen=n      wait for so many replies and dump them.
      -listenall     receive endless.
      -replyport=n   specify replyport for listening.
      -timeout=n     wait up to n msec for replies.
      -wide, -lean   etc. change hex dump output format.
                     for details, type "sfk hexdump"
      -flat          print messages as plain text.
      -showip        show target ip in [sent ...] info.
      -broad         send broadcast. this option is normally
                     used with address

   input data format:
      0x123456       a hex string which is converted to binary
      foo            any other plain text is sent as is, but
                     zero termination is NOT done automatically.

      all given data fragments are joined into one large block.
      how long the block can be is system dependent, but it must
      always stay below 2000 bytes.

   experimental multicast send
      if a multicast group address is given, like
         sfk udpsend 5000 testtext
      then udpsend tries to send a multicast message.
      this may or may not work depending on the OS, network
      interface, router and firewall settings, user rights and
      other programs running in parallel.

   chaining support
      small chain input data can be sent.
      to send continuous text over 1k do not use udpsend
      but tonetlog. type "sfk netlog" for more.

      sfk udp   like udpsend, but does not use chain input.
      sfk cudp  call udp quickly without any output,
                same as sfk udp -quiet.

   web reference

      sfk udpsend localhost 5000 hello 0x00
         send "hello" followed by a zero byte to localhost
         on port 5000

      sfk udpsend -listen -replyport 5010 test
         send "test" to localhost on port 5000
         and then receive a single reply on port 5010.

      sfk echo foo +udpsend localhost:5000
         sends "foo" with (CR)LF to localhost port 5000.

      sfk echo foo +xed "/[eol]//" +udpsend localhost:5000
         the same but strips (CR)LF line ending.
         use "sfk udpdump 5000 -text" to receive.