addhead | addtail | count | difflines | filter | head | joinlines | linelen | load | ofilter | perline | printloop | replace | run | runloop | snapto | sort | strings | tail | xed | xex | xreplace | Команда: head show the first lines of one or many text fileswith sfk head for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Raspberry Pi.sfk head [-lines=n] [-f[ollow] [filename] sfk ... +[t]head [-lines=n] 1. print first lines of a file, optionally following changes. to use file content processing, provide a single filename. 2. print first text lines procuded by a previous command. to process chain text thead is recommended. options -lines=n print first n lines (default is 10). -follow or -f waits for file changes, rereading from start. to post-process head output, e.g. with +filter, always add +loop at the end of the command sequence. head checks both file size and time for changes. -altsize use a different method to determine the file size (stat instead of seek). may help if the default method fails to read the file, or to improve performance. see also sfk filter -head=n read and search first n lines of text files. sfk view GUI tool to view all text files of a folder, then jump through file heads by ctrl+pageDown. web reference examples sfk head readme.txt print first 10 lines of readme.txt type myfile.txt | sfk filter +thead -lines=50 filter first 50 lines from stdin, via sfk filter. sfk head -follow status.txt +filt -high Red error +loop show changes in status.txt, highlight "error" in red. |
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