| iorap.cmd.compiler
IOrap - генерирует список предварительной выборки Тип файла: команда Рус usage: iorap.cmd.compiler [--output-proto=output.pb] input1.pb [input2.pb ...]
Request a compilation of multiple inputs (format: PerfettoTraceProto).
The result is a TraceFile, representing a merged compiled trace with inodes resolved.
Optional flags:
--help,-h Print this Usage.
--denylist-filter,-df Specify regex acting as a denylist filter.
Filepaths matching this regex are removed from the output file.
--output-text,-ot Output ascii text instead of protobuf (default off).
--output-proto $,-op $ TraceFile tracebuffer output file (default stdout).
--inode-textcache $,-it $ Resolve inode->filename from textcache (disables diskscan).
--verbose,-v Set verbosity (default off).
--wait,-w Wait for key stroke before continuing (default off).
--pid,-p Set the pid for the compiled trace
--timestamp_limit_ns,-tl Set the limit timestamp in nanoseconds for the compiled trace.
The order and size of the timestamp should match
that of the input trace files.
If not specified at all, All ofthe timestamps are set to max.