Базовый CPIO
Тип файла: команда
Рус Toybox 0.8.4-android multicall binary: (see toybox --help)
usage: cpio -{o|t|i|p DEST} [-v] [--verbose] [-F FILE] [--no-preserve-owner]
[ignored: -m -H newc]
Copy files into and out of a "newc" format cpio archive.
-F FILE Use archive FILE instead of stdin/stdout
-p DEST Copy-pass mode, copy stdin file list to directory DEST
-i Extract from archive into file system (stdin=archive)
-o Create archive (stdin=list of files, stdout=archive)
-t Test files (list only, stdin=archive, stdout=list of files)
-d Create directories if needed
-u unlink existing files when extracting
-v Verbose
--no-preserve-owner (don't set ownership during extract)[ ToyBox ]