| Раздел: System - Система
Всего: 100 - 86Box - An emulator for classic IBM PC clones
- adriconf - Advanced DRI configurator
- Alpine Linux - Alpine linux subsystem
- AppEditor - Edit application menu
- AusweisApp - Official authentication app for German ID card and residence permit
- AvaEmailArchivar - Archiving and restoring emails from IMAP mailboxes
- Aviator - Your Video Copilot: AV1/OPUS Video Encoder
- Basilisk II - A 68k Macintosh emulator
- Battery Info - Shows informations about the system battery.
- Black Box - A beautiful GTK 4 terminal
- BleachBit - Cleans files to free disk space and to maintain privacy
- BOINC Manager - Contribute computing power to projects doing research in many scientific areas
- Boxes - Virtualization made simple
- Boxi - A terminal emulator for use with Toolbox
- Calculator - ExpidusOS Calculator
- Cameractrls - Camera controls for Linux
- ClamTk - Easy to use graphical user interface for Clam Antivirus (ClamAV)
- Clipboard - Cut, copy, and paste anything, anytime, anywhere
- ColorWall - The Ultimate Desktop Wallpaper Application
- Contour Terminal Emulator - Contour is a modern and actually fast, modal, virtual terminal emulator, for everyday use
- coppwr - Low level control GUI for PipeWire
- CoreFM - A simple lightweight easy to use file manager
- CPU-X - Gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more
- Cutecom - Graphical serial terminal
- Czkawka - Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images, broken files etc.
- Darkbar - Darken application titlebars based on your preference
- Dconf Editor - A graphical tool for editing the dconf database
- Disk Usage Analyzer - Check folder sizes and available disk space
- Dolphin - File Manager
- DOSBox - x86/DOS emulator with sound and graphics
- Fcitx 5 - Input Method
- Fedora Media Writer - A tool to create a live USB drive with an edition of Fedora
- FeedDeck - Follow your RSS and Social Media Feeds
- File Manager - ExpidusOS File Manager
- Fondo - Find the most beautiful wallpapers
- Footage - Polish your videos
- FS-UAE - FS-UAE Amiga Emulator
- GDM Settings - Customize your login screen
- Geekbench 6 - Cross-platform system benchmark
- GNOME Color Manager - Inspect and compare installed color profiles
- GNOME Power Statistics - Observe power management
- GPU-Viewer - A front-end to glxinfo, vulkaninfo, clinfo and es2_info
- GstPipelineStudio - Draw your own GStreamer pipeline...
- Hardware Probe - Check operability of computer hardware and find drivers
- Helvum - Patchbay for PipeWire
- HxC Floppy Emulator - Software and hardware solution to replace the old floppy disk
- Ikona - Ikona is a design companion to help you design icons
- Impression - Create bootable drives
- Index - Manage your files
- Indicator-KDEConnect - AppIndicator for KDE Connect
- ISO Image Writer - Write an ISO Image to a USB Disk
- jdProcessFileWatcher - Effortlessly monitor and display real-time file access for any process
- jdSimpleAutostart - Edit autostart entries
- John the Ripper CE - John the Ripper "Jumbo" password cracker
- Junction - Application chooser
- k3x - Manager for local Kubernetes clusters with k3d
- KDiskMark - Disk benchmark tool
- Konsole - Terminal
- KTailctl - A GUI for the Tailscale mesh network
- KWalletManager - Wallet Management Tool
- Linux-Assistant - A daily linux helper with powerful integrated search, routines and checks
- Logs - View detailed event logs for the system
- MEGAsync - Easy automated syncing between your computers and your MEGA Cloud Drive.
- MenuLibre - An advanced FreeDesktop.org compliant menu editor
- Mini System Monitor - Monitoring CPU, RAM, Disk, Network usage
- Mission Center - Monitor system resource usage
- Monitorets - Have always at a glance the usage of system resources
- MPK3 Settings - AKAI MPK Mini MK3 settings
- Nagstamon - Nagstamon is a status monitor for the desktop.
- Nvidia System Monitor - Nvidia System Monitor Qt
- Oomox theme designer - customize icons, xrdb and GTK themes
- OpenSCQ30 - Control settings of Soundcore Q30 headphones
- OTPClient - GTK+ application for managing TOTP and HOTP tokens with built-in encryption.
- Pacman Log Viewer - Inspect pacman log
- Pin It! - Pin shortcuts for your favorite portable apps to your app launcher
- Pods - Keep track of your podman containers
- Popsicle - Flash multiple USB devices in parallel
- PulseAudio Volume Control - Adjust the volume level of hardware devices and applications
- pw3270 - Access TN3270 hosts
- q4wine - Utility for Wine applications and prefixes management
- QMLKonsole - Mobile terminal application
- RazerGenie - Configure and control your Razer devices
- Resources - Monitor your system resources and processes
- Revelation - Password manager
- RISC-V CPU simulator - RISC-V CPU simulator for education purposes
- Roccat-tools - Applications to configure Roccat devices.
- Sway Input Configurator - Input device configurator for Sway
- System Monitoring Center - Multi-featured system monitor
- Szyszka - Simple but powerful file renamer, written in Rust
- TLP-UI - TLP configuration utility
- Trayscale - An unofficial GUI wrapper around the Tailscale CLI.
- UEFITool - UEFI firmware image viewer and editor
- Vup Cloud Storage - Open-source end-to-end-encrypted cloud storage app with integrated media server
- Warehouse - Manage all things Flatpak
- Waycheck - Show Wayland compositor details
- WezTerm - Powerful terminal and multiplexer
- Wonderwall - Wallpaper manager
- World Possible ScriptLauncher - A tool for running shell scripts with root privileges
- Yakuake - Drop-down Terminal
- ZAP - The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is a popular free security tool.