Roccat-tools [Система]
Applications to configure Roccat devices.
The following devices are supported:
list of supported keyboards:
- Arvo
- Isku
- IskuFX
- Ryos MK
- Ryos MK Glow
- Ryos MK Pro
- Ryos MK FX
- Ryos TKL Pro
- Skeltr
- Sova Membrane
- Sova MK
- Suora
List of supported mice:
- Kiro
- Kone
- Kone[+]
- Kone Pure
- Kone Pure Military
- Kone Pure Optical
- Kone Pure Optical Black
- Kone XTD
- Kone XTD Optical
- Kova[+]
- Kova 2016 Gray/White/Black
- Lua
- Nyth Black/White
- Pyra Wired/Wireless
- Savu
- Tyon Black/White
Important: Please read instructions at to configure your device.