| Раздел: Utilities - Утилиты
- S3Drive - Convert S3, SFTP, WebDAV or Rclone back-end into your encrypted storage
- Safe Eyes - A Free and Open Source tool for Linux users to reduce and prevent repetitive strain injury (RSI).
- Salawat - Islamic prayer times application
- Satellite - Check your GPS reception and save your tracks
- SaveDesktop - Save the current configuration of your desktop environment
- Score Tracker - Application for tracking player scores in card and board games
- Scoreboard - A simple scoreboard to count points for any game
- Screen to Portable PixMap - The tiniest X11 screen capture aka. screenshot utility
- Secrets - Manage your passwords
- Sequeler - Friendly SQL Client
- SGDBoop - Apply SteamGridDB assets to Steam
- shadowcast-electron - Shows the videostream of ShadowCast by Genki
- Share Preview - Test social media cards locally
- Shopping List - A shopping list application for GNU/Linux mobile devices
- Shortcut - Make app shortcuts
- Sideka - Village Governance Platform
- Siglo - Sync PineTime with your PinePhone
- Simple Wireplumber GUI - A simple GTK4 GUI for PipeWire
- Simplenote - The simplest way to keep notes
- SiteMarker - An open source bookmark manager
- SiYuan - A privacy-first personal knowledge management system, support fine-grained block-level reference and Markdown WYSIWYG
- Smile - An emoji picker
- Snowglobe - Virtualization viewer using QEMU over DBus
- SoapUI Open Source - Testing solution for APIs
- Solaar - Linux manager for Logitech keyboards, mice, and trackpads
- Solanum - Balance working time and break time
- SongRec - An open-source, unofficial Shazam client for Linux, written in Rust.
- Spedread - GTK speed reading software: Read like a speedrunner!
- Speech Note - Note taking, reading and translating with offline Speech to Text, Text to Speech and Machine Translation
- SpeedCrunch - A high-precision scientific calculator
- Squey - Explore your data
- Squiid - Do advanced algebraic and RPN calculations
- SQuirreL SQL Client - SQuirreL SQL Client is a GUI that allows you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and SQLite.
- Standard Notes - A simple and private place for your notes, thoughts, and life's work
- StardropForked - Unofficial fork of Stardrop with custom changes
- Steam Deck Repo Manager - Install boot videos to your Steam Deck using Steam Deck Repo website API.
- Steam Metadata Editor - An easy to use GUI that edits the metadata of your Steam Apps
- Steam ROM Manager - An app for managing ROMs in Steam
- Stimulator - Keep your computer awake
- Stockpile - Keep count of restockable items
- Stremio Service - Freedom to Stream
- Stretchly - The break time reminder app
- Sublime Text - Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
- Subsurface - Manage and display dive computer data
- Sums - Calculate with postfix notation
- Swatch - Color palette manager
- Switcheroo - Convert and manipulate images
- Symbolic Preview - Symbolics Made Easy
- syncBackup - Backup and mirror your drives
- System Monitoring Center - Multi-featured system monitor