| Раздел: Utilities - Утилиты
- E-Juice-Calc - Free and simple to use E-Juice calculator
- EasySSH - SSH Connection Manager
- ecode - Lightweight multi-platform code editor designed for modern hardware with a focus on responsiveness and performance.
- Eeman - Track Salah, Read the Quran
- Eight Ball - Make decisions easily
- Elastic - Design spring animations
- Electricity Clock - Monitor electricity rates
- Emblem - Generate project avatars
- Emoji Mart - A modern popup emoji picker for desktop, based on the Emoji Mart web component.
- Emote - Modern popup emoji picker
- Emulsion - Stock up on colors
- Endeavour - Manage your tasks
- Enpass - Enpass is a password manager to securely store and manage your passwords and other credentials.
- Enroute Flight Navigation - A flight navigation app for VFR pilots
- Epic Asset Manager - Manage your Epic assets
- Errands - Manage your tasks
- espansoGUI - GUI interface for espanso
- EternalModManager - Cross platform mod manager for DOOM Eternal.
- Events - Manage your schedule
- Exercise Timer - Timer clock for high intensity interval training
- Exodus - All-in-one app to secure, manage, and exchange blockchain assets
- Extension Manager - Browse, install, and manage GNOME Shell Extensions
- Extensions - Manage your GNOME Extensions
- Eyedropper - Pick and format colors