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   ovn-nbctl    ( 8 )

утилита управления базами данных Open Virtual Network на севере (Open Virtual Network northbound db management utility)


ls-add Creates a new, unnamed logical switch, which initially has
              no ports. The switch does not have a name, other commands
              must refer to this switch by its UUID.

[--may-exist | --add-duplicate] ls-add switch Creates a new logical switch named switch, which initially has no ports.

The OVN northbound database schema does not require logical switch names to be unique, but the whole point to the names is to provide an easy way for humans to refer to the switches, making duplicate names unhelpful. Thus, without any options, this command regards it as an error if switch is a duplicate name. With --may-exist, adding a duplicate name succeeds but does not create a new logical switch. With --add-duplicate, the command really creates a new logical switch with a duplicate name. It is an error to specify both options. If there are multiple logical switches with a duplicate name, configure the logical switches using the UUID instead of the switch name.

[--if-exists] ls-del switch Deletes switch. It is an error if switch does not exist, unless --if-exists is specified.

ls-list Lists all existing switches on standard output, one per line.