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   ovn-nbctl    ( 8 )

утилита управления базами данных Open Virtual Network на севере (Open Virtual Network northbound db management utility)


These options control the format of output from the list and find

-f format --format=format Sets the type of table formatting. The following types of format are available:

table 2-D text tables with aligned columns.

list (default) A list with one column per line and rows separated by a blank line.

html HTML tables.

csv Comma-separated values as defined in RFC 4180.

json JSON format as defined in RFC 4627. The output is a sequence of JSON objects, each of which corresponds to one table. Each JSON object has the following members with the noted values:

caption The table's caption. This member is omitted if the table has no caption.

headings An array with one element per table column. Each array element is a string giving the corresponding column's heading.

data An array with one element per table row. Each element is also an array with one element per table column. The elements of this second-level array are the cells that constitute the table. Cells that represent OVSDB data or data types are expressed in the format described in the OVSDB specification; other cells are simply expressed as text strings.

-d format --data=format Sets the formatting for cells within output tables unless the table format is set to json, in which case json formatting is always used when formatting cells. The following types of format are available:

string (default) The simple format described in the Database Values section of ovs-vsctl(8).

bare The simple format with punctuation stripped off: [] and {} are omitted around sets, maps, and empty columns, items within sets and maps are space-separated, and strings are never quoted. This format may be easier for scripts to parse.

json The RFC 4627 JSON format as described above.

--no-headings This option suppresses the heading row that otherwise appears in the first row of table output.

--pretty By default, JSON in output is printed as compactly as possible. This option causes JSON in output to be printed in a more readable fashion. Members of objects and elements of arrays are printed one per line, with indentation.

This option does not affect JSON in tables, which is always printed compactly.

--bare Equivalent to --format=list --data=bare --no-headings.

PKI Options PKI configuration is required to use SSL for the connection to the database.

-p privkey.pem --private-key=privkey.pem Specifies a PEM file containing the private key used as identity for outgoing SSL connections.

-c cert.pem --certificate=cert.pem Specifies a PEM file containing a certificate that certifies the private key specified on -p or --private-key to be trustworthy. The certificate must be signed by the certificate authority (CA) that the peer in SSL connections will use to verify it.

-C cacert.pem --ca-cert=cacert.pem Specifies a PEM file containing the CA certificate for verifying certificates presented to this program by SSL peers. (This may be the same certificate that SSL peers use to verify the certificate specified on -c or --certificate, or it may be a different one, depending on the PKI design in use.)

-C none --ca-cert=none Disables verification of certificates presented by SSL peers. This introduces a security risk, because it means that certificates cannot be verified to be those of known trusted hosts.

--bootstrap-ca-cert=cacert.pem When cacert.pem exists, this option has the same effect as -C or --ca-cert. If it does not exist, then the executable will attempt to obtain the CA certificate from the SSL peer on its first SSL connection and save it to the named PEM file. If it is successful, it will immediately drop the connection and reconnect, and from then on all SSL connections must be authenticated by a certificate signed by the CA certificate thus obtained.

This option exposes the SSL connection to a man-in- the-middle attack obtaining the initial CA certificate, but it may be useful for bootstrapping.

This option is only useful if the SSL peer sends its CA certificate as part of the SSL certificate chain. The SSL protocol does not require the server to send the CA certificate.

This option is mutually exclusive with -C and --ca-cert.

Other Options -h --help Prints a brief help message to the console.

-V --version Prints version information to the console.