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   pmie    ( 1 )

механизм вывода для показателей производительности (inference engine for performance metrics)

Описание (Description)

pmie accepts a collection of arithmetic, logical, and rule
       expressions to be evaluated at specified frequencies.  The base
       data for the expressions consists of performance metrics values
       delivered in real-time from any host running the Performance
       Metrics Collection Daemon (PMCD), or using historical data from
       Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) archive logs.

As well as computing arithmetic and logical values, pmie can execute actions (popup alarms, write system log messages, and launch programs) in response to specified conditions. Such actions are extremely useful in detecting, monitoring and correcting performance related problems.

The expressions to be evaluated are read from configuration files specified by one or more filename arguments. In the absence of any filename, expressions are read from standard input.

Output from pmie is directed to standard output and standard error as follows:

stdout Expression values printed in the verbose -v mode and the output of print actions.

stderr Error and warning messages for any syntactic or semantic problems during expression parsing, and any semantic or performance metrics availability problems during expression evaluation.