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   pmie    ( 1 )

механизм вывода для показателей производительности (inference engine for performance metrics)


It is often useful for pmie processes to be started and stopped
       when the local host is booted or shutdown, or when they have been
       detected as no longer running (when they have unexpectedly exited
       for some reason).  Refer to pmie_check(1) for details on
       automating this process.

Optionally, each system running pmcd(1) may also be configured to run a ``primary'' pmie instance. This pmie instance is launched by $PCP_RC_DIR/pmie, and is affected by the files $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmie/control, $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmie/control.d (use chkconfig(8), systemctl(1) or similar platform-specific commands to activate or disable the primary pmie instance) and $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmie/config.default (the default initial configuration file for the primary pmie).

The primary pmie instance is identified by the -P option. There may be at most one ``primary'' pmie instance on each system. The primary pmie instance (if any) must be running on the same host as the pmcd(1) to which it connects (if any), so the -h and -P options are mutually exclusive.