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   pmseries    ( 1 )

отображать информацию о таймсериях показателей производительности (display information about performance metric timeseries)


Metadata qualifiers are enclosed by ``curly'' braces ({}), and
       further restrict the query results to timeseries operands with
       various metadata properties.  These qualifiers are based on
       metric or instance names, and metric label values, and take the
       general form metadata.name OPERATOR value, such as:

instance.name == "cpu0" metric.name != "kernel.all.pswitch"

When using label names, the metadata qualifier is optional and can be dropped, such as:

label.hostname == "www.acme.com" hostname == "www.acme.com"

For metric and instance names only the string operators apply, but for metric label values all operators are available. The set of available operators is:

Boolean operators All string (label, metrics and instances) and numeric (label) values can be tested for equality ("==") or inequality ("!=").

String operators Strings can be subject to pattern matching in the form of glob matching ("~~"), regular expression matching ("=~"), and regular expression non-matching ("!~"). The ":" operator is equivalent to "~~" - i.e., glob matching.

Relational operators (numeric label values only) Numeric label values can be subject to the less than ("<"), greater than (">"), less than or equal ("<="), greater than or equal (">="), equal ("==") and not equal ("!=") operators.

Logical operators Multiple metadata qualifiers can be combined with the logical operators for AND ("&&") and OR ("||") as in many programming languages. The comma (",") character is equivalent to logical AND ("&&").