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   pmseries    ( 1 )

отображать информацию о таймсериях показателей производительности (display information about performance metric timeseries)

Описание (Description)

pmseries displays various types of information about performance
       metrics available through the scalable timeseries facilities of
       the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) and the Redis distributed data

By default pmseries communicates with a local redis-server(1), however the -h and -p options can be used to specify an alternate Redis instance. If this instance is a node of a Redis cluster, all other instances in the cluster will be discovered and used automatically.

pmseries runs in several different modes - either querying timeseries identifiers, metadata or values (already stored in Redis), or manually loading timeseries into Redis. The latter mode is seldom used, however, since pmproxy(1) will automatically perform this function for local pmlogger(1) instances, when running in its default time series mode.

Without command line options specifying otherwise, pmseries will issue a timeseries query to find matching timeseries and values. All timeseries are identified using a unique SHA-1 hash which is always displayed in a 40-hexdigit human readable form. These hashes are formed using the metadata associated with every metric.

Importantly, this includes all metric metadata (labels, names, descriptors). Metric labels in particular are (as far as possible) unique for every machine - on Linux for example the labels associated with every metric include the unique /etc/machine-id, the hostname, domainname, and other automatically generated machine labels, as well as any administrator-defined labels from /etc/pcp/labels. These labels can be reported with pminfo(1) and the pmcd.labels metric.

See pmLookupLabels(3), pmLookupInDom(3), pmLookupName(3) and pmLookupDesc(3) for detailed information about metric labels and other metric metadata used in each timeseries identifier hash calculation.

The timeseries identifiers provide a higher level (and machine independent) identifier than the traditional PCP performance metric identifiers (pmID), instance domain identifiers (pmInDom) and metric names. See PCPIntro(1) for more details about these traditional identifiers. However, pmseries uses timeseries identifiers in much the same way that pminfo(1) uses the lower level indom, metric identifiers and metric names.

The default mode of pmseries operation (i.e. with no command line options) depends on the arguments it is presented. If all non- option arguments appear to be timeseries identifiers (in 40 hex digit form) pmseries will report metadata for these timeseries - refer to the -a option for details. Otherwise, the parameters will be treated as a timeseries query.