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   pmseries    ( 1 )

отображать информацию о таймсериях показателей производительности (display information about performance metric timeseries)


The final (optional) component of a query allows the user to
       specify a specific time window of interest.  Any time
       specification will result in values being returned for all
       matching timeseries only for the time window specified.

The specification is ``square'' bracket ([]) enclosed, and consists of one or more comma-separated components. Each component specifies some aspect related to time, taking the general form: keyword: value, such as:


Sample count The number of samples to return, specified via either the samples or (equivalent) count keyword. The value provided must be a positive integer. If no end time is explicitly set (see ``Time window'' later) then the most recent samples will be returned.

Sample interval An interval between successive samples can be requested using the interval or (equivalent) delta keyword. The value provided should be either a numeric or string value that will be parsed by pmParseInterval(3), such as 5 (seconds) or 2min (minutes).

Time window Start and end times, and alignments, affecting the returned values. The keywords match the parameters to the pmParseTimeWindow(3) function which will be used to parse them, and are: start or (equivalent) begin, finish or (equivalent) end, align and offset.

Time zones The resulting timestamps can be returned having been evaluated for a specific timezone, using the timezone or hostzone keywords. The value associated with timezone will be interpreted by pmNewZone(3). A true or false value should be associated with hostzone, and when set to true this has the same effect as described by pmNewContextZone(3).