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   tmux    ( 1 )

оконечный мультиплексор (terminal multiplexer)

Формат (Format)

Certain commands accept the -F flag with a format argument.  This
     is a string which controls the output format of the command.
     Format variables are enclosed in '#{' and '}', for example
     '#{session_name}'.  The possible variables are listed in the table
     below, or the name of a tmux option may be used for an option's
     value.  Some variables have a shorter alias such as '#S'; '##' is
     replaced by a single '#', '#,' by a ',' and '#}' by a '}'.

Conditionals are available by prefixing with '?' and separating two alternatives with a comma; if the specified variable exists and is not zero, the first alternative is chosen, otherwise the second is used. For example '#{?session_attached,attached,not attached}' will include the string 'attached' if the session is attached and the string 'not attached' if it is unattached, or '#{?automatic-rename,yes,no}' will include 'yes' if automatic-rename is enabled, or 'no' if not. Conditionals can be nested arbitrarily. Inside a conditional, ',' and '}' must be escaped as '#,' and '#}', unless they are part of a '#{...}' replacement. For example:

#{?pane_in_mode,#[fg=white#,bg=red],#[fg=red#,bg=white]}#W .

String comparisons may be expressed by prefixing two comma- separated alternatives by '==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=' or '>=' and a colon. For example '#{==:#{host},myhost}' will be replaced by '1' if running on 'myhost', otherwise by '0'. '||' and '&&' evaluate to true if either or both of two comma-separated alternatives are true, for example '#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{alternate_on}}'.

An 'm' specifies an fnmatch(3) or regular expression comparison. The first argument is the pattern and the second the string to compare. An optional argument specifies flags: 'r' means the pattern is a regular expression instead of the default fnmatch(3) pattern, and 'i' means to ignore case. For example: '#{m:*foo*,#{host}}' or '#{m/ri:^A,MYVAR}'. A 'C' performs a search for an fnmatch(3) pattern or regular expression in the pane content and evaluates to zero if not found, or a line number if found. Like 'm', an 'r' flag means search for a regular expression and 'i' ignores case. For example: '#{C/r:^Start}'

Numeric operators may be performed by prefixing two comma-separated alternatives with an 'e' and an operator. An optional 'f' flag may be given after the operator to use floating point numbers, otherwise integers are used. This may be followed by a number giving the number of decimal places to use for the result. The available operators are: addition '+', subtraction '-', multiplication '*', division '/', modulus 'm' or '%' (note that '%' must be escaped as '%%' in formats which are also expanded by strftime(3)) and numeric comparison operators '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>' and '>='. For example, '#{e|*|f|4:5.5,3}' multiplies 5.5 by 3 for a result with four decimal places and '#{e|%%:7,3}' returns the modulus of 7 and 3. 'a' replaces a numeric argument by its ASCII equivalent, so '#{a:98}' results in 'b'.

A limit may be placed on the length of the resultant string by prefixing it by an '=', a number and a colon. Positive numbers count from the start of the string and negative from the end, so '#{=5:pane_title}' will include at most the first five characters of the pane title, or '#{=-5:pane_title}' the last five characters. A suffix or prefix may be given as a second argument - if provided then it is appended or prepended to the string if the length has been trimmed, for example '#{=/5/...:pane_title}' will append '...' if the pane title is more than five characters. Similarly, 'p' pads the string to a given width, for example '#{p10:pane_title}' will result in a width of at least 10 characters. A positive width pads on the left, a negative on the right. 'n' expands to the length of the variable and 'w' to its width when displayed, for example '#{n:window_name}'.

Prefixing a time variable with 't:' will convert it to a string, so if '#{window_activity}' gives '1445765102', '#{t:window_activity}' gives 'Sun Oct 25 09:25:02 2015'. Adding 'p (' '`t/p`') will use shorter but less accurate time format for times in the past. A custom format may be given using an 'f' suffix (note that '%' must be escaped as '%%' if the format is separately being passed through strftime(3), for example in the status-left option): '#{t/f/%%H#:%%M:window_activity}', see strftime(3).

The 'b:' and 'd:' prefixes are basename(3) and dirname(3) of the variable respectively. 'q:' will escape sh(1) special characters or with a 'h' suffix, escape hash characters (so '#' becomes '##'). 'E:' will expand the format twice, for example '#{E:status-left}' is the result of expanding the content of the status-left option rather than the option itself. 'T:' is like 'E:' but also expands strftime(3) specifiers. 'S:', 'W:' or 'P:' will loop over each session, window or pane and insert the format once for each. For windows and panes, two comma-separated formats may be given: the second is used for the current window or active pane. For example, to get a list of windows formatted like the status line:

#{W:#{E:window-status-format} ,#{E:window-status-current-format} }

'N:' checks if a window (without any suffix or with the 'w' suffix) or a session (with the 's' suffix) name exists, for example '`N/w:foo`' is replaced with 1 if a window named 'foo' exists.

A prefix of the form 's/foo/bar/:' will substitute 'foo' with 'bar' throughout. The first argument may be an extended regular expression and a final argument may be 'i' to ignore case, for example 's/a(.)/\1x/i:' would change 'abABab' into 'bxBxbx'.

In addition, the last line of a shell command's output may be inserted using '#()'. For example, '#(uptime)' will insert the system's uptime. When constructing formats, tmux does not wait for '#()' commands to finish; instead, the previous result from running the same command is used, or a placeholder if the command has not been run before. If the command hasn't exited, the most recent line of output will be used, but the status line will not be updated more than once a second. Commands are executed with the tmux global environment set (see the GLOBAL AND SESSION ENVIRONMENT section).

An 'l' specifies that a string should be interpreted literally and not expanded. For example '#{l:#{?pane_in_mode,yes,no}}' will be replaced by '#{?pane_in_mode,yes,no}'.

The following variables are available, where appropriate:

Variable name Alias Replaced with active_window_index Index of active window in session alternate_on 1 if pane is in alternate screen alternate_saved_x Saved cursor X in alternate screen alternate_saved_y Saved cursor Y in alternate screen buffer_created Time buffer created buffer_name Name of buffer buffer_sample Sample of start of buffer buffer_size Size of the specified buffer in bytes client_activity Time client last had activity client_cell_height Height of each client cell in pixels client_cell_width Width of each client cell in pixels client_control_mode 1 if client is in control mode client_created Time client created client_discarded Bytes discarded when client behind client_flags List of client flags client_height Height of client client_key_table Current key table client_last_session Name of the client's last session client_name Name of client client_pid PID of client process client_prefix 1 if prefix key has been pressed client_readonly 1 if client is readonly client_session Name of the client's session client_termfeatures Terminal features of client, if any client_termname Terminal name of client client_termtype Terminal type of client, if available client_tty Pseudo terminal of client client_utf8 1 if client supports UTF-8 client_width Width of client client_written Bytes written to client command Name of command in use, if any command_list_alias Command alias if listing commands command_list_name Command name if listing commands command_list_usage Command usage if listing commands config_files List of configuration files loaded copy_cursor_line Line the cursor is on in copy mode copy_cursor_word Word under cursor in copy mode copy_cursor_x Cursor X position in copy mode copy_cursor_y Cursor Y position in copy mode current_file Current configuration file cursor_character Character at cursor in pane cursor_flag Pane cursor flag cursor_x Cursor X position in pane cursor_y Cursor Y position in pane history_bytes Number of bytes in window history history_limit Maximum window history lines history_size Size of history in lines hook Name of running hook, if any hook_client Name of client where hook was run, if any hook_pane ID of pane where hook was run, if any hook_session ID of session where hook was run, if any hook_session_name Name of session where hook was run, if any hook_window ID of window where hook was run, if any hook_window_name Name of window where hook was run, if any host #H Hostname of local host host_short #h Hostname of local host (no domain name) insert_flag Pane insert flag keypad_cursor_flag Pane keypad cursor flag keypad_flag Pane keypad flag last_window_index Index of last window in session line Line number in the list mouse_all_flag Pane mouse all flag mouse_any_flag Pane mouse any flag mouse_button_flag Pane mouse button flag mouse_line Line under mouse, if any mouse_sgr_flag Pane mouse SGR flag mouse_standard_flag Pane mouse standard flag mouse_utf8_flag Pane mouse UTF-8 flag mouse_word Word under mouse, if any mouse_x Mouse X position, if any mouse_y Mouse Y position, if any origin_flag Pane origin flag pane_active 1 if active pane pane_at_bottom 1 if pane is at the bottom of window pane_at_left 1 if pane is at the left of window pane_at_right 1 if pane is at the right of window pane_at_top 1 if pane is at the top of window pane_bg Pane background colour pane_bottom Bottom of pane pane_current_command Current command if available pane_current_path Current path if available pane_dead 1 if pane is dead pane_dead_status Exit status of process in dead pane pane_fg Pane foreground colour pane_format 1 if format is for a pane pane_height Height of pane pane_id #D Unique pane ID pane_in_mode 1 if pane is in a mode pane_index #P Index of pane pane_input_off 1 if input to pane is disabled pane_last 1 if last pane pane_left Left of pane pane_marked 1 if this is the marked pane pane_marked_set 1 if a marked pane is set pane_mode Name of pane mode, if any pane_path Path of pane (can be set by application) pane_pid PID of first process in pane pane_pipe 1 if pane is being piped pane_right Right of pane pane_search_string Last search string in copy mode pane_start_command Command pane started with pane_synchronized 1 if pane is synchronized pane_tabs Pane tab positions pane_title #T Title of pane (can be set by application) pane_top Top of pane pane_tty Pseudo terminal of pane pane_width Width of pane pid Server PID rectangle_toggle 1 if rectangle selection is activated scroll_position Scroll position in copy mode scroll_region_lower Bottom of scroll region in pane scroll_region_upper Top of scroll region in pane search_match Search match if any search_present 1 if search started in copy mode selection_active 1 if selection started and changes with the cursor in copy mode selection_end_x X position of the end of the selection selection_end_y Y position of the end of the selection selection_present 1 if selection started in copy mode selection_start_x X position of the start of the selection selection_start_y Y position of the start of the selection session_activity Time of session last activity session_alerts List of window indexes with alerts session_attached Number of clients session is attached to session_attached_list List of clients session is attached to session_created Time session created session_format 1 if format is for a session session_group Name of session group session_group_attached Number of clients sessions in group are attached to session_group_attached_list List of clients sessions in group are attached to session_group_list List of sessions in group session_group_many_attached 1 if multiple clients attached to sessions in group session_group_size Size of session group session_grouped 1 if session in a group session_id Unique session ID session_last_attached Time session last attached session_many_attached 1 if multiple clients attached session_marked 1 if this session contains the marked pane session_name #S Name of session session_path Working directory of session session_stack Window indexes in most recent order session_windows Number of windows in session socket_path Server socket path start_time Server start time version Server version window_active 1 if window active window_active_clients Number of clients viewing this window window_active_clients_list List of clients viewing this window window_active_sessions Number of sessions on which this window is active window_active_sessions_list List of sessions on which this window is active window_activity Time of window last activity window_activity_flag 1 if window has activity window_bell_flag 1 if window has bell window_bigger 1 if window is larger than client window_cell_height Height of each cell in pixels window_cell_width Width of each cell in pixels window_end_flag 1 if window has the highest index window_flags #F Window flags with # escaped as ## window_raw_flags Window flags with nothing escaped window_format 1 if format is for a window window_height Height of window window_id Unique window ID window_index #I Index of window window_last_flag 1 if window is the last used window_layout Window layout description, ignoring zoomed window panes window_linked 1 if window is linked across sessions window_linked_sessions Number of sessions this window is linked to window_linked_sessions_list List of sessions this window is linked to window_marked_flag 1 if window contains the marked pane window_name #W Name of window window_offset_x X offset into window if larger than client window_offset_y Y offset into window if larger than client window_panes Number of panes in window window_silence_flag 1 if window has silence alert window_stack_index Index in session most recent stack window_start_flag 1 if window has the lowest index window_visible_layout Window layout description, respecting zoomed window panes window_width Width of window window_zoomed_flag 1 if window is zoomed wrap_flag Pane wrap flag