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   tmux    ( 1 )

оконечный мультиплексор (terminal multiplexer)


tmux offers a textual interface called control mode.  This allows
     applications to communicate with tmux using a simple text-only

In control mode, a client sends tmux commands or command sequences terminated by newlines on standard input. Each command will produce one block of output on standard output. An output block consists of a %begin line followed by the output (which may be empty). The output block ends with a %end or %error. %begin and matching %end or %error have three arguments: an integer time (as seconds from epoch), command number and flags (currently not used). For example:

%begin 1363006971 2 1 0: ksh* (1 panes) [80x24] [layout b25f,80x24,0,0,2] @2 (active) %end 1363006971 2 1

The refresh-client -C command may be used to set the size of a client in control mode.

In control mode, tmux outputs notifications. A notification will never occur inside an output block.

The following notifications are defined:

%client-detached client The client has detached.

%client-session-changed client session-id name The client is now attached to the session with ID session-id, which is named name.

%continue pane-id The pane has been continued after being paused (if the pause-after flag is set, see refresh-client -A).

%exit [reason] The tmux client is exiting immediately, either because it is not attached to any session or an error occurred. If present, reason describes why the client exited.

%extended-output pane-id age ... : value New form of %output sent when the pause-after flag is set. age is the time in milliseconds for which tmux had buffered the output before it was sent. Any subsequent arguments up until a single ':' are for future use and should be ignored.

%layout-change window-id window-layout window-visible-layout window-flags The layout of a window with ID window-id changed. The new layout is window-layout. The window's visible layout is window-visible-layout and the window flags are window-flags.

%output pane-id value A window pane produced output. value escapes non-printable characters and backslash as octal \xxx.

%pane-mode-changed pane-id The pane with ID pane-id has changed mode.

%pause pane-id The pane has been paused (if the pause-after flag is set).

%session-changed session-id name The client is now attached to the session with ID session-id, which is named name.

%session-renamed name The current session was renamed to name.

%session-window-changed session-id window-id The session with ID session-id changed its active window to the window with ID window-id.

%sessions-changed A session was created or destroyed.

%subscription-changed name session-id window-id window-index pane-id ... : value The value of the format associated with subscription name has changed to value. See refresh-client -B. Any arguments after pane-id up until a single ':' are for future use and should be ignored.

%unlinked-window-add window-id The window with ID window-id was created but is not linked to the current session.

%window-add window-id The window with ID window-id was linked to the current session.

%window-close window-id The window with ID window-id closed.

%window-pane-changed window-id pane-id The active pane in the window with ID window-id changed to the pane with ID pane-id.

%window-renamed window-id name The window with ID window-id was renamed to name.