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   tmux    ( 1 )

оконечный мультиплексор (terminal multiplexer)


When a tmux client detaches, it prints a message.  This may be one

detached (from session ...) The client was detached normally.

detached and SIGHUP The client was detached and its parent sent the SIGHUP signal (for example with detach-client -P).

lost tty The client's tty(4) or pty(4) was unexpectedly destroyed.

terminated The client was killed with SIGTERM.

too far behind The client is in control mode and became unable to keep up with the data from tmux.

exited The server exited when it had no sessions.

server exited The server exited when it received SIGTERM.

server exited unexpectedly The server crashed or otherwise exited without telling the client the reason.