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   find    ( 1 )

поиск файлов в иерархии каталогов (search for files in a directory hierarchy)

История (History)

As of findutils-4.2.2, shell metacharacters (`*', `?' or `[]' for
       example) used in filename patterns match a leading `.', because
       IEEE POSIX interpretation 126 requires this.

As of findutils-4.3.3, -perm /000 now matches all files instead of none.

Nanosecond-resolution timestamps were implemented in findutils-4.3.3.

As of findutils-4.3.11, the -delete action sets find's exit status to a nonzero value when it fails. However, find will not exit immediately. Previously, find's exit status was unaffected by the failure of -delete.

Feature Added in Also occurs in -files0-from 4.9.0 -newerXY 4.3.3 BSD

-D 4.3.1 -O 4.3.1 -readable 4.3.0 -writable 4.3.0 -executable 4.3.0 -regextype 4.2.24 -exec ... + 4.2.12 POSIX -execdir 4.2.12 BSD -okdir 4.2.12 -samefile 4.2.11 -H 4.2.5 POSIX -L 4.2.5 POSIX -P 4.2.5 BSD -delete 4.2.3 -quit 4.2.3 -d 4.2.3 BSD -wholename 4.2.0 -iwholename 4.2.0 -ignore_readdir_race 4.2.0 -fls 4.0 -ilname 3.8 -iname 3.8 -ipath 3.8 -iregex 3.8

The syntax -perm +MODE was removed in findutils-4.5.12, in favour of -perm /MODE. The +MODE syntax had been deprecated since findutils-4.2.21 which was released in 2005.