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   get.1p    ( 1 )

получить версию файла SCCS (РАЗРАБОТКА) (get a version of an SCCS file (DEVELOPMENT))

Стандартный вывод (Stdout)

For each file processed, get shall write to standard output the
       SID being accessed and the number of lines retrieved from the
       SCCS file, in the following format:

"%s\n%d lines\n", <SID>, <number of lines>

If the -e option is used, the SID of the delta to be made shall appear after the SID accessed and before the number of lines generated, in the POSIX locale:

"%s\nnew delta %s\n%d lines\n", <SID accessed>, <SID to be made>, <number of lines>

If there is more than one named file or if a directory or standard input is named, each pathname shall be written before each of the lines shown in one of the preceding formats:

"\n%s:\n", <pathname>

If the -L option is used, a delta summary shall be written following the format specified below for l-files.

If the -i option is used, included deltas shall be listed following the notation, in the POSIX locale:


If the -x option is used, excluded deltas shall be listed following the notation, in the POSIX locale:


If the -p or -L options are specified, the standard output shall consist of the text retrieved from the SCCS file.