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   ncat    ( 1 )

объединение и перенаправление сокетов (Concatenate and redirect sockets)


These options accept a time parameter. This is specified in
       seconds by default, though you can append ms, s, m, or h to the
       value to specify milliseconds, seconds, minutes, or hours.

-d time, --delay time (Specify line delay) Set the delay interval for lines sent. This effectively limits the number of lines that Ncat will send in the specified period. This may be useful for low-bandwidth sites, or have other uses such as coping with annoying iptables --limit options.

-i time, --idle-timeout time (Specify idle timeout) Set a fixed timeout for idle connections. If the idle timeout is reached, the connection is terminated.

-w time, --wait time (Specify connect timeout) Set a fixed timeout for connection attempts.