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   sudo_logsrv.proto    ( 5 )

протокол сервера журнала Sudo (Sudo log server protocol)

Имя (Name)

sudo_logsrv.proto — Sudo log server protocol

Описание (Description)

Starting with version 1.9.0, sudo supports sending event and I/O logs to a log server. The protocol used is written in Google's Protocol Buffers domain specific language. The EXAMPLES section includes a complete description of the protocol in Protocol Buffers format.

Because there is no way to determine message boundaries when using Protocol Buffers, the wire size of each message is sent immediately preceding the message itself as a 32-bit unsigned integer in network byte order. This is referred to as 'length-prefix framing' and is how Google suggests handling the lack of message delimiters.

The protocol is made up of two basic messages, ClientMessage and ServerMessage, described below. The server must accept messages up to two megabytes in size. The server may return an error if the client tries to send a message larger than two megabytes.