конфигурация среды выполнения (Execution environment configuration)
A few execution parameters result in additional, automatic
dependencies to be added:
• Units with WorkingDirectory=, RootDirectory=, RootImage=,
RuntimeDirectory=, StateDirectory=, CacheDirectory=,
LogsDirectory= or ConfigurationDirectory= set automatically
gain dependencies of type Requires= and After= on all mount
units required to access the specified paths. This is
equivalent to having them listed explicitly in
• Similarly, units with PrivateTmp= enabled automatically get
mount unit dependencies for all mounts required to access
/tmp/ and /var/tmp/. They will also gain an automatic After=
dependency on systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service(8).
• Units whose standard output or error output is connected to
or kmsg
(or their combinations with console output,
see below) automatically acquire dependencies of type After=
on systemd-journald.socket.
• Units using LogNamespace= will automatically gain ordering
and requirement dependencies on the two socket units
associated with systemd-journald@.service instances.