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   systemd.network    ( 5 )

конфигурация сети (Network configuration)

  Name  |  Synopsis  |  Description  |  Match section options  |  [link] section options  |  [sr-iov] section options  |  Network section options  |  [address] section options  |  [neighbor] section options  |  [ipv6addresslabel] section options  |  [routingpolicyrule] section options  |  [nexthop] section options  |  [route] section options  |  Dhcpv4 section options  |  Dhcpv6 section options  |  [dhcpv6prefixdelegation] section options  |  [ipv6acceptra] section options  |  [dhcpserver] section options  |  [dhcpserverstaticlease] section options  |  [ipv6sendra] section options  |  [ipv6prefix] section options  |  [ipv6routeprefix] section options  |  [bridge] section options  |  [bridgefdb] section options  |  [bridgemdb] section options  |  [lldp] section options  |  [can] section options  |  [qdisc] section options  |    [networkemulator] section options    |  [tokenbucketfilter] section options  |  [pie] section options  |  [flowqueuepie] section options  |  [stochasticfairblue] section options  |  [stochasticfairnessqueueing] section options  |  [bfifo] section options  |  [pfifo] section options  |  [pfifoheaddrop] section options  |  [pfifofast] section options  |  [cake] section options  |  [controlleddelay] section options  |  [deficitroundrobinscheduler] section options  |  [deficitroundrobinschedulerclass] section options  |  [enhancedtransmissionselection] section options  |  [genericrandomearlydetection] section options  |  [fairqueueingcontrolleddelay] section options  |  [fairqueueing] section options  |  [triviallinkequalizer] section options  |  [hierarchytokenbucket] section options  |  [hierarchytokenbucketclass] section options  |  [heavyhitterfilter] section options  |  [quickfairqueueing] section options  |  [quickfairqueueingclass] section options  |  [bridgevlan] section options  |  Examples  |  See also  |  Note  |


The [NetworkEmulator] section manages the queueing discipline (qdisc) of the network emulator. It can be used to configure the kernel packet scheduler and simulate packet delay and loss for UDP or TCP applications, or limit the bandwidth usage of a particular service to simulate internet connections.

Parent= Configures the parent Queueing Discipline (qdisc). Takes one of "root", "clsact", "ingress" or a class identifier. The class identifier is specified as the major and minor numbers in hexadecimal in the range 0x1–Oxffff separated with a colon ("major:minor"). Defaults to "root".

Handle= Configures the major number of unique identifier of the qdisc, known as the handle. Takes a hexadecimal number in the range 0x1–0xffff. Defaults to unset.

DelaySec= Specifies the fixed amount of delay to be added to all packets going out of the interface. Defaults to unset.

DelayJitterSec= Specifies the chosen delay to be added to the packets outgoing to the network interface. Defaults to unset.

PacketLimit= Specifies the maximum number of packets the qdisc may hold queued at a time. An unsigned integer in the range 0–4294967294. Defaults to 1000.

LossRate= Specifies an independent loss probability to be added to the packets outgoing from the network interface. Takes a percentage value, suffixed with "%". Defaults to unset.

DuplicateRate= Specifies that the chosen percent of packets is duplicated before queuing them. Takes a percentage value, suffixed with "%". Defaults to unset.