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   pinky    ( 1 )

легкий палец (lightweight finger)

Имя (Name)

pinky - lightweight finger

Синопсис (Synopsis)

pinky [OPTION]... [USER]...

Описание (Description)

-l produce long format output for the specified USERs

-b omit the user's home directory and shell in long format

-h omit the user's project file in long format

-p omit the user's plan file in long format

-s do short format output, this is the default

-f omit the line of column headings in short format

-w omit the user's full name in short format

-i omit the user's full name and remote host in short format

-q omit the user's full name, remote host and idle time in short format

--help display this help and exit

--version output version information and exit

A lightweight 'finger' program; print user information. The utmp file will be /var/run/utmp.