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   virtual_domain_context    ( 5 )

файл конфигурации контекста домена виртуальной машины SELinux (The SELinux virtual machine domain context configuration file)

Имя (Name)

virtual_domain_context - The SELinux virtual machine domain context configuration file

Описание (Description)

The virtual_domain_context file contains a list of domain contexts that are available for use by the SELinux-aware virtualization API libvirt (see libvirtd(8)).

selinux_virtual_domain_context_path(3) will return the active policy path to this file. The default virtual domain context file is: /etc/selinux/{SELINUXTYPE}/contexts/virtual_domain_context

Where {SELINUXTYPE} is the entry from the selinux configuration file config (see selinux_config(5)).

Формат файла (File format)

Each line in the file consists of an entry as follows: user:role:type[:range]

Where: user role type range A user, role, type and optional range (for MCS/MLS) separated by colons (:) that can be used as a virtual domain context.

Примеры (Examples)

# ./contexts/virtual_domain_context

Смотри также (See also)

selinux(8), libvirtd(8), selinux_virtual_domain_context_path(3), selinux_config(5)