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   dmstats    ( 8 )

управление статистикой картографа (mapper statistics management)

Имя (Name)

dmstats — device-mapper statistics management

Синопсис (Synopsis)

dmsetup stats command [OPTIONS]

dmstats command device_name | --major major --minor minor | -u|--uuid uuid [-v|--verbose] dmstats clear device_name [--allprograms|--programid id] [--allregions|--regionid id] dmstats create device_name...|file_path...|--alldevices [--areas nr_areas|--areasize area_size] [--bounds histogram_boundaries] [--filemap] [--follow follow_mode] [--foreground] [--nomonitor] [--nogroup] [--precise] [--start start_sector --length length|--segments] [--userdata user_data] [--programid id] dmstats delete device_name|--alldevices [--allprograms|--programid id] [--allregions|--regionid id] dmstats group [device_name|--alldevices] [--alias name] [--regions regions] dmstats help [-c|-C|--columns] dmstats list [device_name] [--histogram] [--allprograms|--programid id] [--units units] [--area] [--region] [--group] [--nosuffix] [--notimesuffix] [-v|--verbose] dmstats print [device_name] [--clear] [--allprograms|--programid id] [--allregions|--regionid id] dmstats report [device_name] [--interval seconds] [--count count] [--units units] [--histogram] [--allprograms|--programid id] [--allregions|--regionid id] [--area] [--region] [--group] [-O|--sort sort_fields] [-S|--select selection] [--units units] [--nosuffix] [--notimesuffix] dmstats ungroup [device_name|--alldevices] [--groupid id] dmstats update_filemap file_path [--groupid id] [--follow follow_mode] [--foreground]

Описание (Description)

The dmstats program manages IO statistics regions for devices that use the device-mapper driver. Statistics regions may be created, deleted, listed and reported on using the tool.

The first argument to dmstats is a command.

The second argument is the device name, uuid or major and minor numbers.

Further options permit the selection of regions, output format control, and reporting behaviour.

When no device argument is given dmstats will by default operate on all device-mapper devices present. The create and delete commands require the use of --alldevices when used in this way.