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   ovn-ctl    ( 8 )

утилита жизненного цикла северного демона Open Virtual Network (Open Virtual Network northbound daemon lifecycle utility)

Имя (Name)

ovn-ctl - Open Virtual Network northbound daemon lifecycle utility

Синопсис (Synopsis)

ovn-ctl [options] command

Описание (Description)

This program is intended to be invoked internally by Open Virtual Network startup scripts. System administrators should not normally invoke it directly.

Команды (Commands)

start_northd start_controller start_controller_vtep stop_northd stop_controller stop_controller_vtep restart_northd restart_controller restart_controller_vtep promote_ovnnb promote_ovnsb demote_ovnnb demote_ovnsb status_ovnnb status_ovnsb start_ovsdb start_nb_ovsdb start_sb_ovsdb stop_ovsdb stop_nb_ovsdb stop_sb_ovsdb restart_ovsdb run_nb_ovsdb run_sb_ovsdb

Параметры (Options)







-h | --help














--db-nb-sync-from-addr=IP ADDRESS

--db-nb-sync-from-port=PORT NUMBER


--db-sb-sync-from-addr=IP ADDRESS

--db-sb-sync-from-port=PORT NUMBER


--ovn-northd-nb-db=PROTO:IP ADDRESS: PORT..

--ovn-northd-sb-db=PROTO:IP ADDRESS: PORT..


--db-nb-cluster-local-addr=IP ADDRESS

--db-nb-cluster-local-port=PORT NUMBER

--db-nb-cluster-local-proto=PROTO (tcp/ssl)

--db-nb-cluster-remote-addr=IP ADDRESS

--db-nb-cluster-remote-port=PORT NUMBER

--db-nb-cluster-remote-proto=PROTO (tcp/ssl)

--db-sb-cluster-local-addr=IP ADDRESS

--db-sb-cluster-local-port=PORT NUMBER

--db-sb-cluster-local-proto=PROTO (tcp/ssl)

--db-sb-cluster-remote-addr=IP ADDRESS

--db-sb-cluster-remote-port=PORT NUMBER

--db-sb-cluster-remote-proto=PROTO (tcp/ssl)

Конфигурационный файл (Config file)

Following are the optional configuration files. If present, it should be located in the etc dir

ovnnb-active.conf If present, this file should hold the url to connect to the active Northbound DB server


ovnsb-active.conf If present, this file should hold the url to connect to the active Southbound DB server


ovn-northd-db-params.conf If present, start_northd will not start the DB server even if --ovn-manage-ovsdb=yes. This file should hold the database url parameters to be passed to ovn-northd.

--ovnnb-db=tcp:x.x.x.x:6641 --ovnsb-db=tcp:x.x.x.x:6642


# ovn-ctl run_nb_ovsdb

This command runs the OVN nb ovsdb-server without passing the detach option, making it to block until ovsdb-server exits. This command will be useful for starting the OVN nb ovsdb-server in a container.

# ovn-ctl run_sb_ovsdb

This command runs the OVN sb ovsdb-server without passing the detach option, making it to block until ovsdb-server exits. This command will be useful for starting the OVN sb ovsdb-server in a container.


Run ovn-controller on a host already running OVS # ovn-ctl start_controller

Run ovn-northd on a host already running OVS # ovn-ctl start_northd

All-in-one OVS+OVN for testing # ovs-ctl start --system-id="random"

# ovn-ctl start_northd

# ovn-ctl start_controller

Promote and demote ovsdb servers # ovn-ctl promote_ovnnb

# ovn-ctl promote_ovnsb

# ovn-ctl --db-nb-sync-from-addr=x.x.x.x --db-nb-sync-from-port=6641 demote_ovnnb

# ovn-ctl --db-sb-sync-from-addr=x.x.x.x --db-sb-sync-from-port=6642 demote_ovnsb

Creating a clustered db on 3 nodes with IPs x.x.x.x, y.y.y.y and z.z.z.z Starting OVN ovsdb servers and ovn-northd on the node with IP x.x.x.x

# ovn-ctl --db-nb-addr=x.x.x.x --db-nb-create-insecure-remote=yes --db-sb-addr=x.x.x.x --db-sb-create-insecure-remote=yes --db-nb-cluster-local-addr=x.x.x.x --db-sb-cluster-local-addr=x.x.x.x --ovn-northd-nb-db=tcp:x.x.x.x:6641,tcp:y.y.y.y:6641,tcp:z.z.z.z:6641 --ovn-northd-sb-db=tcp:x.x.x.x:6642,tcp:y.y.y.y:6642,tcp:z.z.z.z:6642 start_northd

Starting OVN ovsdb-servers and ovn-northd on the node with IP y.y.y.y and joining the cluster started at x.x.x.x

# ovn-ctl --db-nb-addr=y.y.y.y --db-nb-create-insecure-remote=yes --db-sb-addr=y.y.y.y --db-sb-create-insecure-remote=yes --db-nb-cluster-local-addr=y.y.y.y --db-sb-cluster-local-addr=y.y.y.y --db-nb-cluster-remote-addr=x.x.x.x --db-sb-cluster-remote-addr=x.x.x.x --ovn-northd-nb-db=tcp:x.x.x.x:6641,tcp:y.y.y.y:6641,tcp:z.z.z.z:6641 --ovn-northd-sb-db=tcp:x.x.x.x:6642,tcp:y.y.y.y:6642,tcp:z.z.z.z:6642 start_northd

Starting OVN ovsdb-servers and ovn-northd on the node with IP z.z.z.z and joining the cluster started at x.x.x.x

# ovn-ctl --db-nb-addr=z.z.z.z --db-nb-create-insecure-remote=yes --db-nb-cluster-local-addr=z.z.z.z --db-sb-addr=z.z.z.z --db-sb-create-insecure-remote=yes --db-sb-cluster-local-addr=z.z.z.z --db-nb-cluster-remote-addr=x.x.x.x --db-sb-cluster-remote-addr=x.x.x.x --ovn-northd-nb-db=tcp:x.x.x.x:6641,tcp:y.y.y.y:6641,tcp:z.z.z.z:6641 --ovn-northd-sb-db=tcp:x.x.x.x:6642,tcp:y.y.y.y:6642,tcp:z.z.z.z:6642 start_northd

Passing ssl keys when starting OVN dbs will supercede the default ssl values in db Starting standalone ovn db server passing SSL certificates

# ovn-ctl --ovn-nb-db-ssl-key=/etc/openvswitch/ovnnb-privkey.pem --ovn-nb-db-ssl-cert=/etc/openvswitch/ovnnb-cert.pem --ovn-nb-db-ssl-ca-cert=/etc/openvswitch/cacert.pem --ovn-sb-db-ssl-key=/etc/openvswitch/ovnsb-privkey.pem --ovn-sb-db-ssl-cert=/etc/openvswitch/ovnsb-cert.pem --ovn-sb-db-ssl-ca-cert=/etc/openvswitch/cacert.pem start_northd