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   ovs-testcontroller    ( 8 )

простой контроллер OpenFlow для тестирования (simple OpenFlow controller for testing)

Имя (Name)

ovs-testcontroller - simple OpenFlow controller for testing

Синопсис (Synopsis)

ovs-testcontroller [options] method [method]...

Описание (Description)

ovs-testcontroller is a simple OpenFlow controller that manages any number of switches over the OpenFlow protocol, causing them to function as L2 MAC-learning switches or hubs. It is suitable for initial testing of OpenFlow networks. It is not a necessary or desirable part of a production OpenFlow deployment.

ovs-testcontroller controls one or more OpenFlow switches, specified as one or more of the following OpenFlow connection methods:

pssl:[port][:host] ptcp:[port][:host] Listens for OpenFlow connections on port. The default port is 6653. By default, connections are allowed from any IPv4 address. Specify host as an IPv4 address or a bracketed IPv6 address (e.g. ptcp:6653:[::1]). On Linux, use %device to designate a scope for IPv6 link-level addresses, e.g. ptcp:6653:[fe80::1234%eth0]. DNS names can be used if built with unbound library. For pssl, the --private-key,--certificate, and --ca-cert options are mandatory.

punix:file Listens for OpenFlow connections on the Unix domain server socket named file.

ssl:host[:port] tcp:host[:port] The specified port on the given host, which can be expressed either as a DNS name (if built with unbound library) or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 address format. Wrap IPv6 addresses in square brackets, e.g. tcp:[::1]:6653. On Linux, use %device to designate a scope for IPv6 link-level addresses, e.g. tcp:[fe80::1234%eth0]:6653. For ssl, the --private-key, --certificate, and --ca-cert options are mandatory.

If port is not specified, it defaults to 6653.

unix:file On POSIX, a Unix domain server socket named file.

On Windows, connect to a local named pipe that is represented by a file created in the path file to mimic the behavior of a Unix domain socket.