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   rpm2archive    ( 8 )

создайте tar-архив из пакета RPM Package Manager (RPM) (Create tar archive from RPM Package Manager (RPM) package.)

Имя (Name)

rpm2archive - Create tar archive from RPM Package Manager (RPM) package.

Синопсис (Synopsis)

rpm2archive {-n|--nocompression} FILES

Описание (Description)

rpm2archive converts the .rpm files specified as arguments to tar files. By default they are gzip compressed and saved with postfix ".tgz".

If '-' is given as argument, an rpm stream is read from standard in and written to standard out.

In opposite to rpm2cpio rpm2archive also works with RPM packages containing files greater than 4GB which are not supported by cpio. Unless rpm2cpio rpm2archive needs a working rpm installation which limits its usefulness for some disaster recovery scenarios.

Параметры (Options)

-n, --nocompression
              Generate uncompressed tar archive and use ".tar" as
              postfix of the file name.

Примеры (Examples)

rpm2archive glint-1.0-1.i386.rpm ; tar -xvz
       cat glint-1.0-1.i386.rpm | rpm2archive - | tar -tvz

Смотри также (See also)

rpm2cpio(8) rpm(8)