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   sepolicy-transition    ( 8 )

изучите политику SELinux и создайте отчет о переходе процесса (Examine the SELinux Policy and generate a process transition report)

Имя (Name)

sepolicy-transition - Examine the SELinux Policy and generate a process transition report

Синопсис (Synopsis)

sepolicy transition [-h] -s SOURCE

sepolicy transition [-h] -s SOURCE -t TARGET

Описание (Description)

sepolicy transition will show all domains that a give SELinux source domain can transition to, including the entrypoint.

If a target domain is given, sepolicy transition will examine policy for all transition paths from the source domain to the target domain, and will list the paths. If a transition is possible, this tool will print out all transition paths from the source domain to the target domain

Параметры (Options)

-h, --help
              Display help message

-s, --source Specify the source SELinux domain type.

-t, --target Specify the target SELinux domain type.