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   show-changed-rco    ( 1 )

показать изменения в пакете RPM (show changes in an RPM package)

Имя (Name)

show-changed-rco - show changes in an RPM package

Синопсис (Synopsis)

show-changed-rco [options]

Описание (Description)

show-changed-rco gives a compact description of the changes to a packages Requires, Conflicts and Obsoletes data from the installed (or old) to a specified rpm file.

Параметры (Options)

-h, --help
              show this help message and exit

-C, --cache Tells repoquery to run entirely from YUM cache - does not download any metadata or update the cache. Queries in this mode can fail or give partial/incorrect results if the cache isn't fully populated beforehand with eg "yum makecache".

-c <config file>, --config=<config file> Use alternative config file (default is /etc/yum.conf).

--repoid=<repo> Specify which repository to query. Using this option disables all repositories not explicitly enabled with --repoid option (can be used multiple times). By default repoquery uses whatever repositories are enabled in YUM configuration.

--enablerepo=<repo> In addition to the default set, query the given additional repository, even if it is disabled in YUM configuration. Can be used multiple times.

--disablerepo=<repo> Do not query the given repository, even if it is enabled in YUM configuration. Can be used multiple times.

--repofrompath=<repoid>,<path/url> Specify a path or url to a repository (same path as in a baseurl) to add to the repositories for this query. This option can be used multiple times. If you want to view only the pkgs from this repository combine this with --repoid. The repoid for the repository is specified by <repoid>.

--old-packages=<pkg> Explicitly list the valid old packages to match the new packages against.

--ignore-arch Ignore arch. so you can compare foo-2.i686 to foo-1.x86_64.

--skip-new Only give output for packages which we've found an old package for.

Смотри также (See also)

yum.conf(5) http://yum.baseurl.org/