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   sysinfo    ( 2 )

вернуть системную информацию (return system information)

Имя (Name)

sysinfo - return system information

Синопсис (Synopsis)

#include <sys/sysinfo.h>

int sysinfo(struct sysinfo *info);

Описание (Description)

sysinfo() returns certain statistics on memory and swap usage, as well as the load average.

Until Linux 2.3.16, sysinfo() returned information in the following structure:

struct sysinfo { long uptime; /* Seconds since boot */ unsigned long loads[3]; /* 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages */ unsigned long totalram; /* Total usable main memory size */ unsigned long freeram; /* Available memory size */ unsigned long sharedram; /* Amount of shared memory */ unsigned long bufferram; /* Memory used by buffers */ unsigned long totalswap; /* Total swap space size */ unsigned long freeswap; /* Swap space still available */ unsigned short procs; /* Number of current processes */ char _f[22]; /* Pads structure to 64 bytes */ };

In the above structure, the sizes of the memory and swap fields are given in bytes.

Since Linux 2.3.23 (i386) and Linux 2.3.48 (all architectures) the structure is:

struct sysinfo { long uptime; /* Seconds since boot */ unsigned long loads[3]; /* 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages */ unsigned long totalram; /* Total usable main memory size */ unsigned long freeram; /* Available memory size */ unsigned long sharedram; /* Amount of shared memory */ unsigned long bufferram; /* Memory used by buffers */ unsigned long totalswap; /* Total swap space size */ unsigned long freeswap; /* Swap space still available */ unsigned short procs; /* Number of current processes */ unsigned long totalhigh; /* Total high memory size */ unsigned long freehigh; /* Available high memory size */ unsigned int mem_unit; /* Memory unit size in bytes */ char _f[20-2*sizeof(long)-sizeof(int)]; /* Padding to 64 bytes */ };

In the above structure, sizes of the memory and swap fields are given as multiples of mem_unit bytes.

Возвращаемое значение (Return value)

On success, sysinfo() returns zero. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to indicate the error.

Ошибки (Error)

EFAULT info is not a valid address.

Версии (Versions)

sysinfo() first appeared in Linux 0.98.pl6.

Стандарты (Conforming to)

This function is Linux-specific, and should not be used in programs intended to be portable.

Примечание (Note)

All of the information provided by this system call is also available via /proc/meminfo and /proc/loadavg.

Смотри также (See also)
