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   find.1p    ( 1 )

найти файлы (find files)

Параметры (Options)

The find utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of
       POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

The following options shall be supported by the implementation:

-H Cause the file information and file type evaluated for each symbolic link encountered as a path operand on the command line to be those of the file referenced by the link, and not the link itself. If the referenced file does not exist, the file information and type shall be for the link itself. File information and type for symbolic links encountered during the traversal of a file hierarchy shall be that of the link itself.

-L Cause the file information and file type evaluated for each symbolic link encountered as a path operand on the command line or encountered during the traversal of a file hierarchy to be those of the file referenced by the link, and not the link itself. If the referenced file does not exist, the file information and type shall be for the link itself.

Specifying more than one of the mutually-exclusive options -H and -L shall not be considered an error. The last option specified shall determine the behavior of the utility. If neither the -H nor the -L option is specified, then the file information and type for symbolic links encountered as a path operand on the command line or encountered during the traversal of a file hierarchy shall be that of the link itself.