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   find.1p    ( 1 )

найти файлы (find files)

Примеры (Examples)

1. The following commands are equivalent:

find . find . -print

They both write out the entire directory hierarchy from the current directory.

2. The following command:

find / \( -name tmp -o -name '*.xx' \) -atime +7 -exec rm {} \;

removes all files named tmp or ending in .xx that have not been accessed for seven or more 24-hour periods.

3. The following command:

find . -perm -o+w,+s

prints (-print is assumed) the names of all files in or below the current directory, with all of the file permission bits S_ISUID, S_ISGID, and S_IWOTH set.

4. The following command:

find . -name SCCS -prune -o -print

recursively prints pathnames of all files in the current directory and below, but skips directories named SCCS and files in them.

5. The following command:

find . -print -name SCCS -prune

behaves as in the previous example, but prints the names of the SCCS directories.

6. The following command is roughly equivalent to the -nt extension to test:

if [ -n "$(find file1 -prune -newer file2)" ]; then printf %s\\n "file1 is newer than file2" fi

7. The descriptions of -atime, -ctime, and -mtime use the terminology n ``86400 second periods (days)''. For example, a file accessed at 23:59 is selected by:

find . -atime -1 -print

at 00:01 the next day (less than 24 hours later, not more than one day ago); the midnight boundary between days has no effect on the 24-hour calculation.

8. The following command:

find . ! -name . -prune -name '*.old' -exec \ sh -c 'mv "$@" ../old/' sh {} +

performs the same task as:

mv ./*.old ./.old ./.*.old ../old/

while avoiding an ``Argument list too long'' error if there are a large number of files ending with .old and without running mv if there are no such files (and avoiding ``No such file or directory'' errors if ./.old does not exist or no files match ./*.old or ./.*.old).

The alternative:

find . ! -name . -prune -name '*.old' -exec mv {} ../old/ \;

is less efficient if there are many files to move because it executes one mv command per file.

9. On systems configured to mount removable media on directories under /media, the following command searches the file hierarchy for files larger than 100000 KB without searching any mounted removable media:

find / -path /media -prune -o -size +200000 -print

10. Except for the root directory, and "//" on implementations where "//" does not refer to the root directory, no pattern given to -name will match a <slash>, because trailing <slash> characters are ignored when computing the basename of the file under evaluation. Given two empty directories named foo and bar, the following command:

find foo/// bar/// -name foo -o -name 'bar?*'

prints only the line "foo///".