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   awk.1p    ( 1 )

язык сканирования и обработки шаблонов (pattern scanning and processing language)

Использование в приложениях (Application usage)

The index, length, match, and substr functions should not be confused with similar functions in the ISO C standard; the awk versions deal with characters, while the ISO C standard deals with bytes.

Because the concatenation operation is represented by adjacent expressions rather than an explicit operator, it is often necessary to use parentheses to enforce the proper evaluation precedence.

When using awk to process pathnames, it is recommended that LC_ALL, or at least LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE, are set to POSIX or C in the environment, since pathnames can contain byte sequences that do not form valid characters in some locales, in which case the utility's behavior would be undefined. In the POSIX locale each byte is a valid single-byte character, and therefore this problem is avoided.

On implementations where the "==" operator checks if strings collate equally, applications needing to check whether strings are identical can use:

length(a) == length(b) && index(a,b) == 1

On implementations where the "==" operator checks if strings are identical, applications needing to check whether strings collate equally can use:

a <= b && a >= b