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   awk.1p    ( 1 )

язык сканирования и обработки шаблонов (pattern scanning and processing language)

Примеры (Examples)

The awk program specified in the command line is most easily
       specified within single-quotes (for example, 'program') for
       applications using sh, because awk programs commonly contain
       characters that are special to the shell, including double-
       quotes. In the cases where an awk program contains single-quote
       characters, it is usually easiest to specify most of the program
       as strings within single-quotes concatenated by the shell with
       quoted single-quote characters. For example:

awk '/'\''/ { print "quote:", $0 }'

prints all lines from the standard input containing a single- quote character, prefixed with quote:.

The following are examples of simple awk programs:

1. Write to the standard output all input lines for which field 3 is greater than 5:

$3 > 5

2. Write every tenth line:

(NR % 10) == 0

3. Write any line with a substring matching the regular expression:


4. Print any line with a substring containing a 'G' or 'D', followed by a sequence of digits and characters. This example uses character classes digit and alpha to match language- independent digit and alphabetic characters respectively:


5. Write any line in which the second field matches the regular expression and the fourth field does not:

$2 ~ /xyz/ && $4 !~ /xyz/

6. Write any line in which the second field contains a <backslash>:

$2 ~ /\\/

7. Write any line in which the second field contains a <backslash>. Note that <backslash>-escapes are interpreted twice; once in lexical processing of the string and once in processing the regular expression:

$2 ~ "\\\\"

8. Write the second to the last and the last field in each line. Separate the fields by a <colon>:

{OFS=":";print $(NF-1), $NF}

9. Write the line number and number of fields in each line. The three strings representing the line number, the <colon>, and the number of fields are concatenated and that string is written to standard output:

{print NR ":" NF}

10. Write lines longer than 72 characters:

length($0) > 72

11. Write the first two fields in opposite order separated by OFS:

{ print $2, $1 }

12. Same, with input fields separated by a <comma> or <space> and <tab> characters, or both:

BEGIN { FS = ",[ \t]*|[ \t]+" } { print $2, $1 }

13. Add up the first column, print sum, and average:

{s += $1 } END {print "sum is ", s, " average is", s/NR}

14. Write fields in reverse order, one per line (many lines out for each line in):

{ for (i = NF; i > 0; --i) print $i }

15. Write all lines between occurrences of the strings start and stop:

/start/, /stop/

16. Write all lines whose first field is different from the previous one:

$1 != prev { print; prev = $1 }

17. Simulate echo:

BEGIN { for (i = 1; i < ARGC; ++i) printf("%s%s", ARGV[i], i==ARGC-1?"\n":" ") }

18. Write the path prefixes contained in the PATH environment variable, one per line:

BEGIN { n = split (ENVIRON["PATH"], path, ":") for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) print path[i] }

19. If there is a file named input containing page headers of the form: Page #

and a file named program that contains:

/Page/ { $2 = n++; } { print }

then the command line:

awk -f program n=5 input

prints the file input, filling in page numbers starting at 5.