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   git-for-each-ref    ( 1 )

вывод информации по каждому исх (Output information on each ref)

Имя (Name)

git-for-each-ref - Output information on each ref

Синопсис (Synopsis)

git for-each-ref [--count=<count>] [--shell|--perl|--python|--tcl] [(--sort=<key>)...] [--format=<format>] [<pattern>...] [--points-at=<object>] [--merged[=<object>]] [--no-merged[=<object>]] [--contains[=<object>]] [--no-contains[=<object>]]

Описание (Description)

Iterate over all refs that match <pattern> and show them according to the given <format>, after sorting them according to the given set of <key>. If <count> is given, stop after showing that many refs. The interpolated values in <format> can optionally be quoted as string literals in the specified host language allowing their direct evaluation in that language.