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   git-pull    ( 1 )

получение и интеграция с другим репозиторием или локальной веткой (Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch)

Примеры (Examples)

•   Update the remote-tracking branches for the repository you
           cloned from, then merge one of them into your current branch:

$ git pull $ git pull origin

Normally the branch merged in is the HEAD of the remote repository, but the choice is determined by the branch.<name>.remote and branch.<name>.merge options; see git-config(1) for details.

• Merge into the current branch the remote branch next:

$ git pull origin next

This leaves a copy of next temporarily in FETCH_HEAD, and updates the remote-tracking branch origin/next. The same can be done by invoking fetch and merge:

$ git fetch origin $ git merge origin/next

If you tried a pull which resulted in complex conflicts and would want to start over, you can recover with git reset.