введение в библиотеку для импорта данных и создания архива PCP (introduction to the library for importing data and creating a PCP archive)
logimport - введение в библиотеку для импорта данных и создания архива PCP )
Имя (Name)
- introduction to the library for importing data and
creating a PCP archive
Синопсис C (C Synopsis)
#include <pcp/pmapi.h>
#include <pcp/import.h>
cc ... -lpcp_import -lpcp
Синопсис PERL (PERL synopsis)
use PCP::LogImport;
Обзор Python (Python synopsis)
from pcp import pmi
Описание (Description)
The Performance Co-Pilot Log Import (LOGIMPORT) API is a library
(with Perl and Python wrappers) that supports the creation of PCP
archives from external sources of performance data, either in the
form of historical logs and spreadsheets or from real-time
sources that are not
integrated as a Performance Metrics Domain
Agent (PMDA) under the control of pmcd(1).
The typical usage for LOGIMPORT would involve:
• An initial call to pmiStart(3).
• Optional calls to pmiSetHostname(3) and/or pmiSetTimezone(3)
to set the hostname and timezone for the source of the
performance data.
• One or more calls to pmiAddMetric(3) to define performance
• One or more calls to pmiAddInstance(3) to define instances
associated with the metrics.
• Optional calls to pmiGetHandle(3) to defined convenience
handles for metric-instance pairs.
• A main loop in which performance data is injested and for each
sample time interval, the PCP archive record is constructed by
calls to pmiPutValue(3), pmiPutValueHandle(3), pmiPutText(3),
and/or pmiPutLabel(3), followed by a call to pmiWrite(3) to
flush all data and any associated new metadata to the PCP
archive. Alternatively, pmiPutResult(3) could be used to
package and process all the data for one sample time interval.
• Once the input source of data has been consumed, calling
pmiEnd(3) to complete the PCP archive creation and close all
open files.
If new metrics and/or instances are discovered during the data
injestion, these can be added by subsequent calls to
pmiAddMetric(3) and/or pmiAddInstance(3), provided all the
metrics and instances have been defined before a call to
pmiGetHandle(3), pmiPutValue(3)or pmiPutResult
(3) that references
those metrics and instances.
Смотри также (See also)
pmcd(1), pmlogger(1), pmiGetHandle(3), pmiAddInstance(3),
pmiAddMetric(3), pmiEnd(3), pmiErrStr(3), pmiPutMark(3),
pmiPutResult(3), pmiPutValue(3), pmiPutValueHandle(3),
pmiPutText(3), pmiPutLabel(3), pmiSetHostname(3),
pmiSetTimezone(3), pmiStart(3) and pmiWrite(3).