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   lex.1p    ( 1 )

генерировать программы для лексических задач (РАЗРАБОТКА) (generate programs for lexical tasks (DEVELOPMENT))

Параметры (Options)

The lex utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of
       POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines, except for
       Guideline 9.

The following options shall be supported:

-n Suppress the summary of statistics usually written with the -v option. If no table sizes are specified in the lex source code and the -v option is not specified, then -n is implied.

-t Write the resulting program to standard output instead of lex.yy.c.

-v Write a summary of lex statistics to the standard output. (See the discussion of lex table sizes in Definitions in lex.) If the -t option is specified and -n is not specified, this report shall be written to standard error. If table sizes are specified in the lex source code, and if the -n option is not specified, the -v option may be enabled.