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   pmiputtext    ( 3 )

добавить текст справки для метрики или домена экземпляра (add help text for an metric or instance domain)

Имя (Name)

pmiPutText - add help text for an metric or instance domain

Синопсис C (C Synopsis)

#include <pcp/pmapi.h> #include <pcp/import.h>

int pmiPutText(unsigned int type, unsigned int class, unsigned int id, const char *content)

cc ... -lpcp_import -lpcp

Синопсис PERL (PERL synopsis)

use PCP::LogImport;

pmiPutText($type, $class, $id, $content);

Описание (Description)

As part of the Performance Co-Pilot Log Import API (see LOGIMPORT(3)), pmiPutText adds help text for a given metric or instance domain.

The type must be one of PM_TEXT_PMID or PM_TEXT_INDOM.

The class must be one of PM_TEXT_ONELINE or PM_TEXT_HELP.

If type is PM_TEXT_PMID, then id should match a pmid defined earlier in a call to pmiAddMetric(3). If type is PM_TEXT_INDOM, then id should match an instance domain defined earlier in a call to pmiAddMetric(3).

content is a string containing the content of the help text.

No data will be written until pmiWrite(3) is called, so multiple calls to pmiPutText are typically used to accumulate help text for several metrics or instance domains before calling pmiWrite(3).

Диагностика (Diagnostic)

pmiPutText returns zero on success else a negative value that can be turned into an error message by calling pmiErrStr(3).

Смотри также (See also)

LOGIMPORT(3), pmiAddInstance(3), pmiAddMetric(3), pmiErrStr(3), pmiPutResult(3), pmiPutValue(3), pmiPutValueHandle(3), pmiPutLabel(3) and pmiWrite(3).