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   pmNameID    ( 3 )

преобразовать PMID в имя метрики производительности (translate a PMID to a performance metric name)


(статьи: pmnameid - преобразовать PMID в имя метрики производительности )

Имя (Name)

pmNameID - translate a PMID to a performance metric name

Синопсис C (C Synopsis)

#include <pcp/pmapi.h>

int pmNameID(pmID pmid, char **name);

cc ... -lpcp

Описание (Description)

Given a Performance Metric Identifier (PMID) via pmid, pmNameID will determine the corresponding metric name, if any, in the Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS), and return this via name.

If the PMNS contains multiple names associated with the requested PMID, one of these will be returned via name, but there is no way to determine which of the duplicate names this will be. See pmNameAll(3) if all of the corresponding names are required.

As of Version 3.10.3 of PCP, duplicate names for the same PMID are allowed in the PMNS, so using pmNameAll(3) is recommended over pmnameID.

name is a null-byte terminated string, allocated by pmNameID using malloc(3) and it is the caller's responsibility to call free(3) to release the storage when the value is no longer required.

In the absence of errors, pmNameID returns zero.

Диагностика (Diagnostic)

PM_ERR_NOPMNS Failed to access a PMNS for operation. Note that if the application hasn't a priori called pmLoadNameSpace(3) and wants to use the distributed PMNS, then a call to pmNameID must be made after the creation of a context (see pmNewContext(3)).

PM_ERR_PMID pmid does not correspond to a defined PMID in the PMNS.

PM_ERR_* Other diagnostics are for protocol failures when accessing the distributed PMNS.

Смотри также (See also)

PMAPI(3), pmGetChildren(3), pmGetChildrenStatus(3), pmGetConfig(3), pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3), pmLoadNameSpace(3), pmLookupName(3), pmNameAll(3), pmNewContext(3), pcp.conf(5), pcp.env(5) and PMNS(5).