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   cgcc    ( 1 )

оболочка компилятора для запуска Sparse после компиляции (Compiler wrapper to run Sparse after compiling)

Имя (Name)

cgcc - Compiler wrapper to run Sparse after compiling

Синопсис (Synopsis)


Описание (Description)

cgcc provides a wrapper around a C compiler (cc by default) which also invokes the Sparse static analysis tool.

cgcc accepts all Sparse command-line options, such as warning options, and passes all other options through to the compiler.

By providing the same interface as the C compiler, cgcc allows projects to run Sparse as part of their build without modifying their build system, by using cgcc as the compiler. For many projects, setting CC=cgcc on the make command-line will work.

Окружение (Environment)

REAL_CC If set, cgcc will use this as the compiler to invoke, rather than the default cc.

CHECK If set, cgcc will use this as the Sparse program to invoke, rather than the default sparse.

Смотри также (See also)
