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репортер показателей производительности (performance metrics reporter)

Имя (Name)

pmrep - performance metrics reporter

Синопсис (Synopsis)

pmrep [-12357CdgGHIjkLmnprRuUvVxz?] [-4 action] [-6 sort-metric] [-8|-9 limit] [-a archive] [-A align] [--archive-folio folio] [-b|-B space-scale] [-c config] [--container container] [--daemonize] [-e derived] [-E lines] [-f format] [-F outfile] [-h host] [-i instances] [--include-texts] [-J rank] [-K spec] [-l delimiter] [-N predicate] [--no-inst-info] [-o output] [-O origin] [-P|-0 precision] [-q|-Q count-scale] [-s samples] [-S starttime] [-t interval] [-T endtime] [-w|-W width] [-X label] [-y|-Y time-scale] [-Z timezone] metricspec [...]

Описание (Description)

pmrep is a customizable performance metrics reporting tool. Any available performance metric, live or archived, system and/or application, can be selected for reporting using one of the output alternatives listed below together with applicable formatting options.

pmrep collects selected metric values through the facilities of the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP), see PCPIntro(1). The metrics to be reported are specified on the command line, in a configuration file, or both. Metrics can be automatically converted and scaled using the PCP facilities, either by default or by per-metric scaling specifications. In addition to the existing metrics, derived metrics can be defined using the arithmetic expressions described in pmRegisterDerived(3).

A wide range of metricsets (see below) is included by default, providing reports on per-process details, NUMA performance, mimicking other tools like sar(1) and more, see the pmrep configuration files under $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmrep (typically /etc/pcp/pmrep) for details. Tab completion for options, metrics, and metricsets is available for bash and zsh.

Unless directed to another host by the -h option, pmrep will contact the Performance Metrics Collector Daemon (PMCD, see pmcd(1)) on the local host.

The -a option causes pmrep to use the specified set of archive logs rather than connecting to a PMCD. The -a and -h options are mutually exclusive.

The -L option causes pmrep to use a local context to collect metrics from DSO PMDAs (Performance Metrics Domain Agents, ``plugins'') on the local host without PMCD. Only some metrics are available in this mode. The -a, -h, and -L options are mutually exclusive.

The metrics of interest are named in the metricspec argument(s). If a metricspec specifies a non-leaf node in the Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS), then pmrep will recursively descend the PMNS and report on all leaf nodes (i.e., metrics) for that metricspec. Use pminfo(1) to list all the metrics (PMNS lead nodes) and their descriptions.

A metricspec has three different forms. First, on the command line it can start with a colon (``:'') to indicate a metricset to be read from a pmrep configuration file (see pmrep.conf(5)), which can then consist of any number of metrics. Second, a metricspec starting with non-colon specifies a PMNS node as described above, optionally followed by metric output formatting definitions. This so-called compact form of a metricspec is defined as follows:


A valid PMNS node (metric) is mandatory. It can be followed by a text label used with stdout output. The optional instances definition restricts csv and stdout reporting to the specified instances of the metric so non-matching instances will be filtered out (see -i). An optional unit/scale is applicable for dimension-compatible, non-string metrics. See below for supported unit/scale specifications. By default, cumulative counter metrics are converted to rates, an optional type can be set to raw to disable this rate conversion. For stdout output a numeric width can be used to set the width of the output column for this metric. Too wide strings in the output will be truncated to fit the column. A metric-specific precision can be provided for numeric non-integer output values. Lastly, a metric-specific limit can be set for filtering out numeric values per the limit.

As a special case for metrics that are counters with time units (nanoseconds to hours), the unit/scale can be used to change the default reporting (for example, milliseconds / second) to normalize to the range zero to one by setting this to sec (see also -y and -Y).

The following metricspec requests the metric kernel.all.sysfork to be reported under the text label forks, converting to the metric default rate count/s in an 8 wide column. Although the definitions in this compact form are optional, they must always be provided in the order specified above, thus the commas.


The third form of a metricspec, verbose form, is described and valid only in pmrep.conf(5).

Derived metrics are specified like regular PMNS leaf node metrics.

Options via environment values (see pmGetOptions(3)) override the corresponding built-in default values (if any). Configuration file options override the corresponding environment variables (if any). Command line options override the corresponding configuration file options (if any).