| Раздел (категория): Программирование, разработка [328]
- Gambas 3 - Gambas3 Integrated Development Environment [Application]
- GammaRay - Qt-application inspection and manipulation tool [Application]
- Gammastep Indicator - Adjust display hue to outside lighting conditions [Application]
- GDevelop - GDevelop 5 IDE running on the Electron runtime [Appimage]
- Geany - A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK+ [Application]
- Geany - A fast and lightweight IDE [Flatpak]
- Ghidra - Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering Suite [Flatpak]
- gibs - Generally In-source Build System - build C++ projects without a project file [Appimage]
- Giggle - Git repository viewer [Application]
- Gingko - Gingko client rewritten in Elm, packaged with Electron [Appimage]
- Gisto - Code snippet manager, runs on GitHub Gists and adds additional features such as... [Snap]
- git-ubuntu - Ubuntu development git tooling [Snap]
- GitAhead - Understand your Git history! [Flatpak]
- githoard - Hoard git repositories with ease [Appimage]
- GitHub Desktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop [Flatpak]
- GitHubDesktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop [Appimage]
- gitIgnore - .gitignore reference for various languages [Flatpak]
- GitKraken - For repo management, in-app code editing & issue tracking [Snap]
- GitKraken - For repo management, in-app code editing & issue tracking [Flatpak]
- Gitnuro - Multiplatform Git client [Flatpak]
- GitQlient - A multi-platform Git client made with Qt [Appimage]
- Gitter - Communication product for communities and teams on GitHub [Flatpak]
- Gittyup - Graphical Git client designed to help you understand and manage your source... [Flatpak]
- Gluon Scene Builder - Scene Builder is an open source tool that allows for drag and drop design of... [Flatpak]
- GNOME Klotski - Slide blocks to solve the puzzle [Application]
- GNOME Klotski - Slide blocks to solve the puzzle [Snap]
- GNOME Nibbles - Guide a worm around a maze [Snap]
- GNOME Taquin - Slide tiles to their correct places [Application]
- GNOME Taquin - Slide tiles to their correct places [Snap]
- GNU Radio Companion - Graphical Signal Processing Flow Graph Design Tool [Application]
- Gnuplot Editor - Interactive gnuplot script editor [Snap]
- Go - The Go programming language [Snap]
- Go Ethereum Client - Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol [Snap]
- goland - GoLand [Snap]
- GoLand - Capable and Ergonomic Go IDE [Flatpak]
- golangci-lint - Fast linters runner for Go [Snap]
- Google Tasks Desktop - Unofficial Google Tasks Desktop Client [Appimage]
- gosec - Golang Security Checker [Snap]
- gradle - An open-source build automation tool [Snap]
- graphql playground - GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions,... [Appimage]
- Graviton - Graviton is a simple code editor [Appimage]
- GreenWithEnvy - System utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock... [Flatpak]
- Groot - Graphical Editor for BehaviorTrees [Appimage]
- gScope - GTK interface to cscope [Flatpak]
- GtkHash - Calculate message digests or checksums [Flatpak]
- Guitar - Guitar is a graphical frontend for the git distributed version control system.... [Appimage]
- GXC Smart Contract IDE - gxchain smart contract IDE alpha [Appimage]