| Раздел (категория): Программирование, разработка [328]
- Acme - Editor from Plan9 [Application]
- Arduino IDE - Open-source electronics prototyping platform [Application]
- Bonsai - Git version control manager [Application]
- Builder - An IDE for GNOME [Application]
- CMake - Cross-platform buildsystem [Application]
- Cervisia - A graphical CVS version control system front-end [Application]
- Code - OSS - Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined [Application]
- Code::Blocks IDE - Configurable and extensible IDE [Application]
- CoqIDE Proof Assistant - Graphical interface for the Coq proof assistant [Application]
- Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis [Application]
- Fluid Demo - Demonstrate Fluid QML modules [Application]
- FoxDot - Live Coding with Python and SuperCollider [Application]
- GNOME Klotski - Slide blocks to solve the puzzle [Application]
- GNOME Taquin - Slide tiles to their correct places [Application]
- GNU Radio Companion - Graphical Signal Processing Flow Graph Design Tool [Application]
- Gambas 3 - Gambas3 Integrated Development Environment [Application]
- GammaRay - Qt-application inspection and manipulation tool [Application]
- Gammastep Indicator - Adjust display hue to outside lighting conditions [Application]
- Geany - A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK+ [Application]
- Giggle - Git repository viewer [Application]
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition - Develop with pleasure! [Application]
- Jupyter Qt console - Jupyter qtconsole [Application]
- KAppTemplate - App Code Template Generator [Application]
- KCachegrind - Profiler Frontend [Application]
- KDbg - Debug programs [Application]
- KDevelop - Featureful, plugin-extensible IDE for C/C++ and other programming languages [Application]
- Kexi - Visually develop database applications [Application]
- Keysmith - Two-factor code generator for Plasma Mobile and Desktop [Application]
- KiCad - An EDA suite for schematic and circuit board design [Application]
- Lapce - Lightning-fast and powerful code editor written in Rust [Application]
- Lazarus - Lazarus IDE [Application]
- LeoCAD - Design virtual models you can build with LEGO bricks [Application]
- LiteIDE - IDE for editing and building projects written in the Go programming language [Application]
- Mattermost - Mattermost Desktop application [Application]
- Minder - Create, develop and visualize your ideas [Application]
- Plank - Stupidly simple [Application]
- Projucer - Cross-platform project manager and C++ code editor [Application]
- PyCharm Community Edition - Python IDE for Professional Developers [Application]
- Pyzo - A Python IDE aimed at simplicity and interactivity [Application]
- QCachegrind - Visualization of Performance Profiling Data [Application]
- Qt Creator - Provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE)... [Application]
- Scratch - Programming system and content development tool [Application]
- Strike - Simple and convergent IDE [Application]
- Sweet Home 3D - An interior design application [Application]
- Wire - The most secure collaboration platform [Application]
- YubiKey Manager - Graphical application for configuring your YubiKey over all USB transports [Application]
- bpython interpreter - Fancy interface for the Python interpreter [Application]
- distcc monitor - Graphical view of distributed compile tasks [Application]
- ipython - Enhanced interactive Python shell [Application]
- kdesvn - Subversion Revision Control [Application]
- regexxer - Search and replace using regular expressions [Application]
- stlink - Open source STM32 MCU programming toolset [Application]
- .NET Core SDK - Develop high performance applications in less time, on any platform [Snap]
- .NET Runtime 3.1 (LTS) - Cross-Platform .NET Core Runtime [Snap]
- .NET Runtime 5.0 - Cross-Platform .NET Runtime [Snap]
- Android Studio - The IDE for Android [Snap]
- Android Studio Canary - The IDE for Android (Canary build) [Snap]
- Apache Ant - Apache Ant [Snap]
- Apache Groovy Programming Language - The Apache Groovy programming language - A multi-faceted language for the Java... [Snap]
- Apache NetBeans - Apache NetBeans IDE [Snap]
- Arduino IDE - Write code and upload it to your Arduino-compatible board [Snap]
- Bash Language Server - Bash Language Server [Snap]
- CLion - A cross-platform IDE for C and C++ [Snap]
- CMake - Cross-platform software build system generator [Snap]
- Crystal - A language for humans and computers [Snap]
- Eclipse - Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE [Snap]
- Flutter - Flutter SDK [Snap]
- Flutter Gallery - Flutter Gallery [Snap]
- GNOME Klotski - Slide blocks to solve the puzzle [Snap]
- GNOME Nibbles - Guide a worm around a maze [Snap]
- GNOME Taquin - Slide tiles to their correct places [Snap]
- Gisto - Code snippet manager, runs on GitHub Gists and adds additional features such as... [Snap]
- GitKraken - For repo management, in-app code editing & issue tracking [Snap]
- Gnuplot Editor - Interactive gnuplot script editor [Snap]
- Go - The Go programming language [Snap]
- Go Ethereum Client - Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol [Snap]
- Hardware Sensors Indicator - Provide hardware sensors readings in your desktop panel [Snap]
- IDEA Community - Capable & Ergonomic Java IDE [Snap]
- IDEA Ultimate - Capable & Ergonomic Java IDE for Enterprise, Web & Mobile Development [Snap]
- Immich Distribution - This is an Immich Distribution packaged inside a snap package [Snap]
- LP Build Snap - Utility to trigger Snap package builds in Launchpad [Snap]
- Lunacy - UI/UX and Web Designer Tool - Graphic Design Collaboration Software for Custom UI/UX, Web Projects, App... [Snap]
- PyCharm EDU - Easy and Professional Tool to Learn & Teach Programming with Python [Snap]
- Rider - A fast & powerful cross-platform .NET IDE [Snap]
- RubyMine - The Most Intelligent Ruby and Rails IDE [Snap]
- Simply Fortran - Simply Fortran 3 [Snap]
- Solargraph - A Ruby Language Server [Snap]
- Steam - Launcher for the Steam software distribution service [Snap]
- Sweet Home 3D - An interior design application to draw house plans & arrange furniture [Snap]
- Thonny - Python IDE for beginners [Snap]
- Ubuntu Accomplishments - Ubuntu Accomplishments [Snap]
- Unscripted - A visual novel about software development [Snap]
- Wordpress.com Desktop - WordPress.com Desktop client [Snap]
- ZenHub - The only team collaboration solution built into GitHub [Snap]
- Zenkit - Track projects, organize collections, or brainstorm new ideas with Zenkit [Snap]
- Zenkit Projects - Track progress, collaborate with your team, and deliver your projects on time [Snap]
- Zenkit To Do - Simple task management for you and your team [Snap]
- Zeplin - Ship Design to Production - Zeplin lets you handoff designs and collaborate with your developers. Save time... [Snap]
- aliyazdi - A responsive Flutter portfolio application for any platform [Snap]
- anubias - Anubias is an open source tools to develope fastest and easiest mobile & etc [Snap]
- bcc - BPF Compiler Collection (BCC) [Snap]
- bluej - A free Java Development Environment designed for beginners, used by millions [Snap]
- brakeman - Ruby on Rails security vulnerability static analysis tool [Snap]
- cacher - Cacher [Snap]
- ccls C/C++/ObjC Language Server - C/C++/ObjC Language Server [Snap]
- chartgeany - Technical analysis software [Snap]
- circleci - Run local CI builds and validate configuration [Snap]
- clari3d-lite-64 - Welcome to the main installation package of Clari3D Lite [Snap]
- code-insiders - Code editing. Redefined [Snap]
- dotnet-runtime-60 - Cross-Platform .NET Runtime [Snap]
- errcheck - Unchecked error checker for go programs [Snap]
- flutter-folio - A scrapbooking app that feels great on all your devices [Snap]
- git-ubuntu - Ubuntu development git tooling [Snap]
- goland - GoLand [Snap]
- golangci-lint - Fast linters runner for Go [Snap]
- gosec - Golang Security Checker [Snap]
- gradle - An open-source build automation tool [Snap]
- insomnia - Insomnia [Snap]
- json-tool - json-tool [Snap]
- juju - Juju - a model-driven operator lifecycle manager for K8s and machines [Snap]
- juju-verify - Juju plugin to verify if it's safe to perform an operation on juju units [Snap]
- julia - The Julia programming language [Snap]
- julia-mrcinv - The Julia programming language [Snap]
- libfolding - A C++ library to compute the folding test of unimodality over streaming data [Snap]
- libinput-tools as a confined snap - libinput-tools helpful in debugging libinput [Snap]
- linotte - Linotte est le langage de programmation entièrement en français [Snap]
- mir-test-tools - Mir test scripts and applications [Snap]
- nibras - Guide and dictionary made for first year students of Algerian universities with... [Snap]
- node-red - Low-code programming for event-driven applications [Snap]
- phpstorm - PhpStorm [Snap]
- postman - API Development Environment [Snap]
- pycharm-community - PyCharm Community Edition [Snap]
- pycharm-professional - PyCharm Professional Edition [Snap]
- pylsp - Python LSP Server [Snap]
- pyright - Static type checker for Python [Snap]
- ruby - Interpreter for the Ruby programming language [Snap]
- sentry - Sentry is a modern error logging and aggregation platform [Snap]
- snap-helpers - Test snap for the snap-helpers Python library [Snap]
- truthtables - truthtables snap [Snap]
- vim-language-server - VimScript Language Server [Snap]
- webstorm - WebStorm [Snap]
- wxDateCalc - Another countdown app in wxwidgets [Snap]
- Alif Programming Language - Arabic programming language [Flatpak]
- Android Studio - Integrated development environment for Google's Android platform [Flatpak]
- Arduino IDE - Open-source electronics prototyping platform [Flatpak]
- Black Fennec - Extensible Semi-structured Data Editing Environment [Flatpak]
- BlueJ - Java IDE for beginners [Flatpak]
- Boop-GTK - Port of IvanMathy's Boop to GTK, a scriptable scratchpad for developers [Flatpak]
- Botfather - Universal automation framework [Flatpak]
- Brackets - An open source code editor for the web [Flatpak]
- Builder - An IDE for GNOME [Flatpak]
- CLion - A cross-platform IDE for C and C++ [Flatpak]
- Checksumo - Verify specified file against given hash [Flatpak]
- Code - OSS - Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined [Flatpak]
- Code::Blocks - IDE for C, C++ and Fortran [Flatpak]
- Commit - Commit message editor [Flatpak]
- CoreAction - A side bar with some handy gadgets [Flatpak]
- Cryptomator - Multi-platform client-side encryption tool optimized for cloud storages [Flatpak]
- Cutter - Free and Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform powered by Rizin and Qt [Flatpak]
- DataGrip - IntelliJ-based IDE for databases and SQL [Flatpak]
- Eclipse 4DIAC IDE - An OpenSource IEC 61499 compatible PLC IDE [Flatpak]
- Eclipse IDE for Java Developers - The essential tools for any Java developer, including a Java IDE, a Git client,... [Flatpak]
- Eclipse IDE for Web and JavaScript Developers - The essential tools for any JavaScript developer, including JavaScript,... [Flatpak]
- Flatpak Developer Demo - Flatpak Developer Demo [Flatpak]
- Flatseal - Manage Flatpak permissions [Flatpak]
- Geany - A fast and lightweight IDE [Flatpak]
- Ghidra - Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering Suite [Flatpak]
- GitAhead - Understand your Git history! [Flatpak]
- GitHub Desktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop [Flatpak]
- GitKraken - For repo management, in-app code editing & issue tracking [Flatpak]
- Gitnuro - Multiplatform Git client [Flatpak]
- Gitter - Communication product for communities and teams on GitHub [Flatpak]
- Gittyup - Graphical Git client designed to help you understand and manage your source... [Flatpak]
- Gluon Scene Builder - Scene Builder is an open source tool that allows for drag and drop design of... [Flatpak]
- GoLand - Capable and Ergonomic Go IDE [Flatpak]
- GreenWithEnvy - System utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock... [Flatpak]
- GtkHash - Calculate message digests or checksums [Flatpak]
- Identifications - It is a tool for the QA team and developers [Flatpak]
- Insomnia - Open Source API Client and Design Platform for GraphQL, REST and gRPC [Flatpak]
- IntelliJ IDEA Community - Capable and Ergonomic Java IDE [Flatpak]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate - Capable and Ergonomic Java IDE for Enterprise, Web and Mobile Development [Flatpak]
- JADX - Dex to Java decompiler [Flatpak]
- Jameica - Application-Platform similar to OSGI [Flatpak]
- KCachegrind - Profiler Frontend [Flatpak]
- KDevelop - Featureful, plugin-extensible IDE for C/C++ and other programming languages [Flatpak]
- Keysmith - Two-factor code generator for Plasma Mobile and Desktop [Flatpak]
- KiCad - An EDA suite for schematic and circuit board design [Flatpak]
- Lapce - Lightning-fast and powerful code editor written in Rust [Flatpak]
- LeoCAD - Design virtual models you can build with LEGO bricks [Flatpak]
- Mattermost - An open source platform for developer collaboration [Flatpak]
- Minder - Create, develop and visualize your ideas [Flatpak]
- Mosaic - An openFrameworks based Visual Patching Creative-Coding Platform [Flatpak]
- Needly - an openQA needle editor written in Python [Flatpak]
- NetBeans - NetBeans - Apache Java IDE. Fits the Pieces Together [Flatpak]
- PhpStorm - PHP IDE for Professional Development [Flatpak]
- Pingus - Guide groups of penguins through various obstacles [Flatpak]
- Playhouse - A playground for HTML/CSS/JavaScript [Flatpak]
- Podman Desktop - Manage Podman and other container engines from a single UI and tray [Flatpak]
- Postman - Postman is a complete API development environment [Flatpak]
- Processing IDE - Open-source software prototyping platform [Flatpak]
- Purr Data - An open source visual programming language for multimedia, based on Pure Data [Flatpak]
- PyCharm-Community - The most intelligent Python IDE [Flatpak]
- PyCharm-Professional - The most intelligent Python IDE [Flatpak]
- Pyzo - A Python IDE aimed at simplicity and interactivity [Flatpak]
- Qt Creator - Provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE)... [Flatpak]
- Qt Designer - Design GUIs for Qt applications [Flatpak]
- Qt Linguist - Add translations to Qt applications [Flatpak]
- Regex Tester - A simple app for testing regular expressions [Flatpak]
- Rider - Fast & powerful, cross platform .NET IDE [Flatpak]
- RubyMine - Enjoy first-class support for Ruby 2.x and Rails 6.x, Sinatra, React, Angular,... [Flatpak]
- SASM - Simple cross-platform IDE for NASM, MASM, GAS and FASM assembly languages [Flatpak]
- SmartGit - Get your commit done [Flatpak]
- Stoplight Studio - Stoplight Studio. Effortless API Design [Flatpak]
- Sweet Home 3D - Sweet Home 3D Interior Design Application [Flatpak]
- TLA+ Toolbox - TLA+ Toolbox is an IDE (integrated development environment) for the TLA+ tools [Flatpak]
- Thonny - Python IDE for beginners [Flatpak]
- UMLet - Free UML Tool for Fast UML Diagrams [Flatpak]
- VSCodium - Code editing. Redefined. Telemetry less [Flatpak]
- Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined [Flatpak]
- WebStorm - The smartest JavaScript IDE [Flatpak]
- Webfont Kit Generator - Create @font-face kits easily [Flatpak]
- Wire - The most secure collaboration platform [Flatpak]
- Workspaces - Always be ready for work [Flatpak]
- gScope - GTK interface to cscope [Flatpak]
- gitIgnore - .gitignore reference for various languages [Flatpak]
- jdAppdataEdit - A graphical Program to create and edit AppStream files [Flatpak]
- pyfda - Python Filter Design Analysis Tool [Flatpak]
- APK Editor Studio - Edit APK resources [Appimage]
- Advanced Rest Client - The Advanced REST Client desktop application [Appimage]
- Arduino IDE - Arduino IDE [Appimage]
- Armagetron Advanced - In Armagetron Advanced, you ride a bizarre vehicle that can never stop and... [Appimage]
- BlueGlow - A simple system tray application to watch github notifications [Appimage]
- Brackets - Brackets-Electron [Appimage]
- CIAA Suite - Makefile based IDE for embedded systems [Appimage]
- CP Editor - CP Editor is a Qt-based, lightweight and cross-platform code editor specially... [Appimage]
- Cerebral Debugger - Cerebral Debugger [Appimage]
- CircuitBlocks - A graphical programming interface that helps newbies get into embedded... [Appimage]
- Citron - Citron Interp [Appimage]
- Code OSS - Visual Studio Code OSS Edition [Appimage]
- CrossMobile - Create native iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Desktop applications in... [Appimage]
- Deployer - Deployer – Cross-platform application to deploy your applications through... [Appimage]
- DevHub - TweetDeck for GitHub [Appimage]
- Disass - A simple disassembly tool [Appimage]
- ERScaffold - [Appimage]
- Electron App Store - A Simple App Store for Apps Built with Electron [Appimage]
- Explorook - Rookout’s site addon to support local files and folders [Appimage]
- Figma - Unofficial desktop application for linux [Appimage]
- Firefox - Browse the World Wide Web [Appimage]
- GDevelop - GDevelop 5 IDE running on the Electron runtime [Appimage]
- GXC Smart Contract IDE - gxchain smart contract IDE alpha [Appimage]
- Gingko - Gingko client rewritten in Elm, packaged with Electron [Appimage]
- GitHubDesktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop [Appimage]
- GitQlient - A multi-platform Git client made with Qt [Appimage]
- Google Tasks Desktop - Unofficial Google Tasks Desktop Client [Appimage]
- Graviton - Graviton is a simple code editor [Appimage]
- Groot - Graphical Editor for BehaviorTrees [Appimage]
- Guitar - Guitar is a graphical frontend for the git distributed version control system.... [Appimage]
- HyperionIDE - Hyperion IDE for JIRA [Appimage]
- JReleaser - JReleaser is a release automation tool. Its goal is to simplify creating... [Appimage]
- JoalDesktop - Electron application boilerplate based on React, React Router, Webpack, React... [Appimage]
- KiCad - Electronic Design Automation suite [Appimage]
- Klogg - A smart interactive log explorer [Appimage]
- Lepton - Democratizing Code Snippets Management (macOS/Win/Linux) [Appimage]
- LiteIDE - LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE [Appimage]
- MaxReams - Gejrs MaxReams [Appimage]
- My Jira - A lite jira desktop [Appimage]
- OVis - A visualization tool for OpenMDAO [Appimage]
- Painel Web - Novo SGA panel [Appimage]
- Pingendo - [Appimage]
- PraxisLIVE - PraxisLIVE [Appimage]
- Pullp - Pull request monitoring app for Github [Appimage]
- Python - A relocated Python 3.8 installation running from an
AppImage [Appimage]
- QHot - qhot Comment [Appimage]
- QtMips - Qt Mips emulator [Appimage]
- RHB - Rapid HTML Builder/Prototyper, built with Electron and Grapesjs [Appimage]
- Rabix Composer - Rabix Composer is a desktop IDE for working with Common Workflow Language... [Appimage]
- Reactotron - Reactotron desktop mode engage! [Appimage]
- Scrum Retroboard - Electron application based on React, React Router, Webpack, React Hot Loader... [Appimage]
- Silverkey - The best Qt Application Ever [Appimage]
- SmallBASIC - [Appimage]
- SmartGit - Git-Client [Appimage]
- SnippetStore - A snippet management app for developers [Appimage]
- Sourcetrail - Source Code Explorer [Appimage]
- Sovren Batch Parser - Sovren Batch Parser [Appimage]
- SpeedyLoader - Speeduino universal firmware loader [Appimage]
- StopLight - The kickass API platform [Appimage]
- Substrate IDE - Graphic IDE for developing Substrate blockchains [Appimage]
- SwiftnessX - Electron application boilerplate based on React, React Router, Webpack, React... [Appimage]
- VivifyScrum - VivifyScrum - Agile Tool for Professionals [Appimage]
- Waterfox Classic - Browse the World Wide Web [Appimage]
- Waterfox Current - Browse the World Wide Web [Appimage]
- Waterfox Fourth Generation - Browse the World Wide Web [Appimage]
- Waterfox Third Generation - Browse the World Wide Web [Appimage]
- Wire - The most secure collaboration platform [Appimage]
- WishDemo - A μ Tcl/Tk distribution statically linked to put in an AppImage [Appimage]
- XELFViewer - XELFViewer is a ELF file viewer/editor [Appimage]
- XPEViewer - PE file viewer/editor [Appimage]
- altair - The best graphQL client you will ever need [Appimage]
- appimagecraft - Powerful build script generator with a focus on making AppImages [Appimage]
- appimagelint - Check AppImages for compatibility, best practices etc. Powerful functionality... [Appimage]
- appium desktop - Graphical interface for the Appium server, and an app inspector [Appimage]
- deb2appimage - Build AppImages from deb packages on any distro with simple json configuration [Appimage]
- embedded ide - Makefile based IDE for embedded systems [Appimage]
- feebas - feebas-desktop-app [Appimage]
- gibs - Generally In-source Build System - build C++ projects without a project file [Appimage]
- githoard - Hoard git repositories with ease [Appimage]
- graphql playground - GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions,... [Appimage]
- hpack - A fine tool to convert any data into C header [Appimage]
- hsinstall - Pack a haskell project into a deployable directory structure [Appimage]
- huwinterpreter - HuwCode interpreter [Appimage]
- jira timer - Jira Timer [Appimage]
- langly - Manage Laravel json language files [Appimage]
- laravel kit - Easy Laravel application management [Appimage]
- linuxdeployqt - Bundle an application as an AppDir and/or AppImage [Appimage]
- lumi - A tool to create and display interactive content with H5P [Appimage]
- mini qml - mini-qml Comment [Appimage]
- ngrev - Reverse Engineering for Angular [Appimage]
- python2 - Bundle Python into an AppDir using a source distribution and linuxdeploy [Appimage]
- qBittorrent Enhanced Edition - The qBittorrent project aims to provide an open-source software alternative to... [Appimage]
- quokkagit - quokkagit is a TortoiseGit inspired git log viewer for linux, which provides... [Appimage]
- runanode - rUN releases [Appimage]
- saphyr - A C++ like compiler [Appimage]
- tastee ui - UI For TASTEE [Appimage]
- triagem touch - Novo SGA triage client [Appimage]
- uncov - By storing history of coverage uncov allows you to monitor code coverage... [Appimage]
- vREST NG - vREST NG - Enterprise ready application for Automated API Testing [Appimage]
- xonsh - Python 3.8.5 + Xonsh bundled in an AppImage [Appimage]
- zograscope - Main purpose of zograscope is implementation of syntax-aware diff (currently... [Appimage]
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